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  1. Sleepybear

    Nukkit server Bugs

    You will need to use the Redstone branch to have any Redstone features. Note that there are still bugs with them, but they mostly work
  2. Sleepybear

    Server control panel

    Short answer is No. Whatever device is running the server has to be on for anyone to be able to connect. If you want it available 24/7, you have to leave your PC on 24/7 or move the server to another device (server on your network, or using a MC Host, VPS, etc). You can use panel apps...
  3. Sleepybear

    NoSuchMethodError Coding help

    It appears 3 years ago the method signature changed from public int getCause() to using an ENUM DamageCause, which is probably why it broke.
  4. Sleepybear

    NoSuchMethodError Coding help

    There is a problem in booster.Main.onFallDamage(), it seems to think the getCause() method doesn't exist, which is odd since it clearly does in the cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent class. What version of nukkit are you running?
  5. Sleepybear

    Items disappear straight away
  6. Sleepybear

    Items disappear straight away

    Due to a limitation in the level format of nukkit 1.0, any block with ID over 255 is not supported. Additionally, most wooden blocks that have a lower ID, only the oak variation is implemented Redstone is disabled on the master branch, to use Redstone you will want to download the build from...
  7. Sleepybear

    New Player ID with every server join. #BUG #Help

    That is the runtime ID and will never be the same between joins. The player data is saved using UUID, which is not displayed in the console. Do you have any plugins installed and/or do you have the Dave player data option in nukkit.yml set to false?
  8. Sleepybear

    Are command blocks not a thing on Nukkit?

    They are not implemented. There might be a plugin that adds functionality, but I'm not sure.
  9. Sleepybear

    Installing Nukkit was easy, but I have no idea how to use it

    Delete the world, change the seed in the and the server will regenerate a world
  10. Sleepybear


    Sleepybear updated ItemJoin with a new update entry: Fix for Wrong API error Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin - Fix for Wrong API error

    Fixes the Wrong API and Incompatible API errors.
  12. Sleepybear


    Sleepybear updated ItemJoin with a new update entry: v1.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin - v1.4

    Allow slot setting on items to go up to 39. Slots 36-39 are the 4 armor slots.
  14. Sleepybear


    Sleepybear updated ItemJoin with a new update entry: v1.3 - Added Slot and Enchants to config! Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin - v1.3 - Added Slot and Enchants to config!

    You can now specify the slot the item should go to, as well as enchants to put onto the item. v1.3 Config:
  16. Sleepybear


    Sleepybear updated ItemJoin with a new update entry: v1.1 Released - Allows to only give on first join Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin - v1.1 Released - Allows to only give on first join

    New Config option: firstJoinOnly: <boolean> When set to true, plugin will only attempt to give the item to a player if they have not played before. Please be sure to post to the GitLab issues with any bugs, or reach out to me on the NukkitX discord.
  18. Sleepybear


    What's the advantage of using this vs. using the client side coordinates by setting the gamerule showCoordinates true
  19. Sleepybear

    How to import/upload world to Bedrock Server?

    You will need to use a converter. MC ToolChest is one, there are others. If you get into Java anvil format you will need to use world fixer to convert to bedrock IDs since they are different because reasons
  20. Sleepybear

    Increase VM Memory Raspberry Pi 3

    Use the command line switches to set the VM memory when you start java. -Xms or something, I forget exact syntax but you can use java --help and fine the switches to change heap settings