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  1. W

    HyHero Core - MyHero Core 1.2

    ----- MyHero Core 1.2 ----- New module for Database conn New module MyHero Levels New softdependency DbLib required for MyHero Levels New Commands /mh exp/level add/give/set/substract New command /mh exp list Config must be loaded again!!!!!
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    MyHero Levels - MyHero Levels

    Simple library for player levels. Need MyHero Core 1.2 or newer and DbLib Required for exp drop in MyHero Mobs. Examples of use: MyHeroLevel mhl = MyHeroMain_Levels.getAPI().getMyHeroLevel(player); mhl.addExp(100); Bugs report here:
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    MyHero Mobs - MyHero Mobs 1.1

    ---- MyHero Mobs 1.1 ---- Added a new option to drop, drop exp example usage example "exp:<Amount>" Required MyHero Levels and new config from MyHero Core 1.2 for this novelty.
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    MyHero Levels

    WindSkull submitted a new resource: MyHero Levels - levels Read more about this resource...
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    MyHero Mobs 1.20

    The plugin allows you to create mobs in a faster and more enjoyable way, adds the ability to create a custom drop and the ability to create custom spawners. Required MyHero Core (1.23 or newer) and MobPlugin Required MyHero Items for Drop future and MyHero Levels if you need exp drop. Drop...
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    MyHero Items

    WindSkull updated MyHero Items with a new update entry: MyHero Items 1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
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    HyHero Core - MyHero Core 1.1

    Bug fixes, add support for MyHero Mobs
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    MyHero Items - MyHero Items 1.2

    Some bug fixes, new command /mh items list] Required MyHero Core 1.1 or newer
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    MyHero Items

    WindSkull updated MyHero Items with a new update entry: MyHero Items 1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
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    MyHero Items - MyHero Items 1.1

    Added ability to generate random numbers by adding to lore [(Initger form) - (Integer to)] MyHero Items need now MyHero Core v1.0
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    HyHero Core - HyHero Core

    Plugin needed to run all MyHero plugins. Plugin for Items Plugin for custom mobs Liblary for Player level Commands: /mh reload - For reload MyHero...
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    MyHero Items

    WindSkull submitted a new resource: MyHero Items - An plugin to create items Read more about this resource...
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    MyHero Items - MyHero Items

    MyHero Items plugin helps to create items, it does not add a functionality to items, everything that you create can be done with the help of minecraft commands, but using MyHero Items is faster and more convenient. Test: ID: 35 Data: 8 displayname: '&7Super wool' lore: - "&6I am super" -...
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    Mob Spawn

    Ok, i have mob but he do not have AI, how add AI to him? Entity ent = ( Entity ) this.Enitiy.clone(); ent.setPosition(location.add(0,2,0)); ent.setLevel(World); ent.spawnToAll();
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    Mob Spawn

    And how i can get this level? Edit: Nvm
  16. W

    Mob Spawn

    [ALERT] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin( at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugin( at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugins( at...
  17. W

    Mob Spawn

    I have question how to use this? static Entity createEntity(int type, FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt, Object... args) static Entity createEntity(int type, Position pos, Object... args) static Entity createEntity(String name, FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt, Object... args) static Entity...