Search results

  1. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.14.0

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.14.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #549. This is only protocol support therefore none of the new features in this version will be added. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have...
  2. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.13.x

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.13.x can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #523. As you may have noticed, this update took significantly longer than other updates due to the sheer quantity of changes and that our tools for updating relied mainly on Android builds which no longer have...
  3. SupremeMortal

    [Deleted] [Premium] Test

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: Test - Test Read more about this resource...
  4. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.12.0

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.12.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #424. This update only contains protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already...
  5. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.11.0

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.11.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #356. This update only contains protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already...
  6. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.10.0

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.10.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #311. Once again, this is only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already...
  7. SupremeMortal

    [Deleted] WorldPregenerator

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: WorldPregenerator - Pre-generate your world Read more about this resource...
  8. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.9.0

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.9.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #253. Again, this is only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been...
  9. SupremeMortal


    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: SkinChanger - Set custom skins on players Read more about this resource...
  10. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.8

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.8 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #189. This is still only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
  11. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.7

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.7 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #143. The first builds only add protocol support and scoreboards will be added later on. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already...
  12. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.5

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.5 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #11. (We reconfigured Jenkins so the build number has been reset) This is still only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit as we have move our attention to the rewrite branch. If you find...
  13. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.4.0

    Nukkit for Minecraft 1.4.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #165. Edit: 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are just client fixes! Players will still be able to join. This comes with no support for the new blocks added in Update Aquatic since it will require some major block and chunk...
  14. SupremeMortal

    Disable Movement Check

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: Disable Movement Check - Removes Nukkit's default movement check. Read more about this resource...
  15. SupremeMortal

    Example Plugin

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: Example Plugin - Nukkit's Example Plugin Read more about this resource...
  16. SupremeMortal

    Resource Section

    Since we do not allow direct file uploads to the resource section, it would be recommended to host your releases off from GitHub's release section and directly link them here. Other file sharing services like dropbox and mediafire don't allow direct link access and usually redirect viewers to...
  17. SupremeMortal


    Hey! You somehow managed to stumble upon this forum. :)