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  1. lukeeey

    DeathView - Add title / subtitle message support

    Added support for displaying title and subtitle messages when a player dies
  2. lukeeey


    lukeeey updated DeathView with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. lukeeey

    DeathView - 1.0.1

    Changed package name Added new permission deathview.spectator Add a config option to teleport to a specific world on death Add license
  4. lukeeey


    lukeeey updated DeathView with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. lukeeey

    Increase VM Memory Raspberry Pi 3

    Completely forgot it was ARM I’m using to x86_64
  6. lukeeey

    Increase VM Memory Raspberry Pi 3

    If you use wine then run the windows version of bds that’ll work
  7. lukeeey

    Increase VM Memory Raspberry Pi 3

    I wouldn’t know, I’ve got plenty of memory
  8. lukeeey

    Increase VM Memory Raspberry Pi 3

    If you want vanilla and only a few players why not run the official bedrock dedicated server?
  9. lukeeey


    lukeeey submitted a new resource: DeathView - A plugin that puts you into spectator mode when you die (Like Mineplex). Read more about this resource...
  10. lukeeey

    DeathView 1.0.3

    Description A simple plugin to put you into spectator mode for a configurable amount of time before you are respawned at a certain location. This plugin is based off similar behavior from Mineplex. Support Report issues over on GitHub Chat with me on Discord Permissions deathview.spectator...