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  1. DataLioness

    WDStaffChat - Support for Waterdog 2.0

    - Added support for Waterdog 2.0 (Credits: BlackD14)
  2. DataLioness


    DataLioness updated WDStaffChat with a new update entry: Support for Waterdog 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. DataLioness


    DataLion_ updated WDStaffChat with a new update entry: Autorelease update Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. DataLioness

    WDStaffChat - Autorelease update

    Created an auto release feature on github download points to releases page now so it the latest update will show up on top.
  5. DataLioness


    DataLion_ updated WDStaffChat with a new update entry: Waterdog 1.1.2 update Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. DataLioness

    WDStaffChat 1.1.0

    This is a staff chat plugin to communicate with other staffs between servers.
  7. DataLioness


    DataLion_ submitted a new resource: WDStaffChat - Staff chat plugin so you can chat with staffs, across your servers. Read more about this resource...