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  1. MrReskill

    Floating Kills

    MrReskill updated Floating Kills with a new update entry: update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. MrReskill

    Floating Kills - update

    fix some problems
  3. MrReskill

    MyGuardian [AntiCheat]

    maybe in the future ! :)
  4. MrReskill

    MyGuardian [AntiCheat]

    MrReskill updated MyGuardian [AntiCheat] with a new update entry: Update anticheat Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. MrReskill

    Experimental MyGuardian [AntiCheat] - Update anticheat

    Update flying and speed hacking checker. Start to work on CPS COUNTER(AutoClick) and KillAura (not available)
  6. MrReskill

    MyGuardian [AntiCheat]

    MrReskill updated MyGuardian [AntiCheat] with a new update entry: Update anticheat Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. MrReskill

    Experimental MyGuardian [AntiCheat] - Update anticheat

    MyGuardian is now adapted to detect Fly, Speed and jesus from Flare hacked client.
  8. MrReskill

    MyGuardian [AntiCheat]

    MrReskill updated MyGuardian [AntiCheat] with a new update entry: Add config to edit messages Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. MrReskill

    Experimental MyGuardian [AntiCheat] - Add config to edit messages

    Add config to edit messages
  10. MrReskill

    MyGuardian [AntiCheat]

    MrReskill submitted a new resource: MyGuardian [AntiCheat] - AntiCheat, Admin tools, Nukkit 1.0, Experimental, Guardian, Guard, MyGuardian, My Guardian, Cheat Read more about this resource...
  11. MrReskill

    Experimental MyGuardian [AntiCheat] 2020-05-09

    Please note that this plugin is still in development, for that matter, you could use this plugin with creeperface GAC anticheat if you are looking for a stable anticheat. Do not hesitate to send us the bugs if you find Currently our anticheat is able to detect: Speed hacking Flight Jesus /...
  12. MrReskill


    MrReskill submitted a new resource: iControlU - Control player Read more about this resource...
  13. MrReskill

    Experimental iControlU 1.0

    (Sorry for the quality of the description, I'm French) iControlU allows you to take control of your players in order to move in their place, to speak in their place but also to control their inventories. Commands: - /control <player> - /uncontrol <player> Permissions: - icu.use: allow player...
  14. MrReskill

    Floating Kills

    MrReskill updated Floating Kills with a new update entry: Increase plugin Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. MrReskill

    Floating Kills - Increase plugin

    Make floating can't be in everyworlds ^^
  16. MrReskill


    MrReskill updated Vote+ with a new update entry: Fix little mistake Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. MrReskill

    Vote+ - Fix little mistake

    Fix little mistake
  18. MrReskill


    MrReskill submitted a new resource: Vote+ - vote plugins Read more about this resource...
  19. MrReskill

    Vote+ 1.1

    Vote+ This plugin allows you to offer a reward to your players when they vote in a simple and efficient way. Supported websites: How to use it: - Open config.yml and edit the line "id" put in place of "no" your server secret id (from...
  20. MrReskill

    Floating Kills

    MrReskill submitted a new resource: Floating Kills - kills, top, ranking, floating Read more about this resource...