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  1. dpkgsharish


    dpkgsharish updated TG2Nukkit with a new update entry: 1.2 Apple Pie! Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. dpkgsharish

    Experimental TG2Nukkit - 1.2 Apple Pie!

    rn i losted sources of plugin so... I re-write him :p Just Hot-Fix of one bug + changed structure of languages To-Do List: Port to PMMP (almost done XD) Go to Drink Water (Done)
  3. dpkgsharish

    Experimental TG2Nukkit - 1.1 Pancake!

    Added Arab(ar), Kazakh (kz), Ukrainian(ua), English(en), Espanol(es) Languages (Default is en) And Added /online command for checking Online on server
  4. dpkgsharish


    dpkgsharish updated TG2Nukkit with a new update entry: 1.1 Pancake! Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. dpkgsharish


    dpkgsharish submitted a new resource: TG2Nukkit - Bridge Between Telegram and Nukkit Read more about this resource...
  6. dpkgsharish

    Experimental TG2Nukkit 1.2 Apple Pie

    My First Plugin For Nukkit :D Tested on Nukkit-MOT and Nukkit from PetteriM1 Setup is simple: - Create Bot Using - Get Bot Token - Open config.yml - Ret your Bot Token with Chat ID of your chat - Set Language (Optional) - Reload server DONE! Why i did it plugin? just for fun...