economy api

  1. Y

    Experimental RokiDragon 1.0.1

    RokiDragonPlugin RokiDragonPlugin is a Nukkit plugin that introduces a rideable dragon entity to your Minecraft server. Players can purchase, hatch, summon and ride their own dragons. The plugin also includes features for managing dragon eggs and ensuring that only the rightful owner can use...
  2. SeqSEE

    CryptoconomyAPI v1.0.4

    CryptoconomyAPI Core of economy system for Nukkit forked from EconomyAPI using strings and BigDecimal to allow use of precision math for numbers with 8 decimal places or precision, making it a suitable choice for use with cryptocurrencies. Commands - /mymoney - /seemoney - /givemoney -...
  3. B

    Discontinued ChatGame 1.0.1

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с Permissions: cgame: description: "Send new game in chat" default: op equal: description: "Send correct response the game in chat" default: true Example commands: /cgame 123 + 456 1 - send game in chat through 1 minutes /equal - open the form...
  4. N

    SpawnerTiers 1.2.0

    This plugin adds tiers to mob spawners, allowing players to upgrade their spawners to be 2x or 3x faster using nether stars or 3000 credits by default. This can be changed in config. This mod is compatible with EconomyAPI and requires the Mobs Plugin.