
  1. LeonTenDev

    Experimental Craft 0.0.6

    With this plugin you can craft from anywhere! commands: - /craft This plugin use code from FakeInventories! Permission: - To use the Permission ("craft.use") set permission in the config.yml true!
  2. LeonTenDev

    InvSee 0.0.7

    Change the inventory from other players! To use this plugin you need fakeinventories! commands: - /invsee <player> or /inv <player> - /endersee <player> or /ecsee <player> permissions: - invsee.cmd - endersee.cmd
  3. LeonTenDev

    Enderchest 0.1.0

    Edit your Enderchest and see the Enderchest of other players! permission: - enderchest.see.other command: - /ec - /ec <player> You can change the messages and the prefix in the config.yml! You need fakeinventories to use this plugin!
  4. lukeeey

    PerWorldInventory 1.0.0

    Description A full-featured per world inventory plugin. This plugin allows you to have a separate inventory for each world as well as share the inventories of multiple worlds by configuring it in the config.yml file. You can stop players from switching inventories per world by giving them the...
  5. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin 1.4

    Simple plugin that can add a set of items to a player's inventory and optional clear the inventory prior to adding when they join the server. Config file also enables ability to set certain users as bypassing the inventory clear, if it is enabled. Items to give on join are set in the...
  6. iAtomPlaza

    Experimental Icebox 2.0.2

    Icebox v1.0.0 This plugin requires NukkitDB plugin to work! Read full file on github to know how to set this plugin up
  7. Ragnok123

    Experimental MenuAPI 0.1 beta

    PLANS: FORMS MENU (NOT FINISHED) To create new inventory menu, you should do this: InventoryMenu menu = new InventoryMenu(); Every menu has a category. It is made to avoid bilion times changing menu content; To create new category, you can simply do this: InventoryCategory category =...
  8. M

    Disappearing Crafted Items using controller

    I recently created a Minecraft server using Nukkit on a raspberry pi 4. I connected to it from my pc and it worked great. However, when I try to use a controller (xbox one controller on my pc and a Beboncool controller on my android phone) once I craft an item whether from my inventory...
  9. PetteriM1

    SeeInv 2.0

    A Nukkit plugin that allows staff to see and modify players inventories This plugin uses FakeInventories which can be downloaded from here: Version 1.0.3 or later is required Commands: - Show player's inventory: /seeinv...
  10. hteppl

    Who can help me with FakeInventories?

    Who can help me with FakeInventories from SupremeMortal ( After ~20 fake opens - raknet crashes. I think i'm doing something wrong, but can't understand what. Creation: Listener:
  11. PetteriM1

    WorldEssentials 2.5.0

    Original plugin --> Modified version of old WorldEssentials made better for survival servers. This is plugin makes it possible to have different gamemode and inventory (including ender chest inventory) in each world. Inventory for nether and...
  12. augesrob

    ClearInv 1.0.0

    ClearInv commands /ci description: Clears your inventory permission: