- Compatible API Versions
- 1.0.0
- Sourcecode
- https://gitlab.com/Sleepybear842/itemjoin
- Contributors
- Sleepybear
Simple plugin that can add a set of items to a player's inventory and optional clear the inventory prior to adding when they join the server.
Config file also enables ability to set certain users as bypassing the inventory clear, if it is enabled.
Items to give on join are set in the config.yml file by an array of mappings(itemId, meta, count).
See https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition_data_values#Item_IDs for more info.
Please report any issues on the gitlab page.
Config file also enables ability to set certain users as bypassing the inventory clear, if it is enabled.
Items to give on join are set in the config.yml file by an array of mappings(itemId, meta, count).
See https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bedrock_Edition_data_values#Item_IDs for more info.
#ItemJoin by Sleepybear - v1.4
#clearOnJoin: <boolean>
# if set to true, will clear the players inventory on join
clearOnJoin: false
#firstJoinOnly: <boolean>
# if set to ture, will try to give the player the listed items only
# on the first time they join. This also means Inventories will not be
# cleared for returning players.
firstJoinOnly: false
#bypass: Array of <string>
# if playername is included here, their inventories will never be cleared,
# even if the above option is enabled
- Sleepybear
#items: array of maps
# example:
# items:
# - itemId: 276
# meta: 0
# count: 1
# slot: 0 # Can be between 0 and 39, 0-8 is the hotbar, 36-39 are the armor slots
# ench: # LIST of enchantment ID & Level, both must be specified, see see https://github.com/NukkitX/Nukkit/blob/358a5aa18ee4620c05535d304bf1394125a72bf2/src/main/java/cn/nukkit/item/enchantment/Enchantment.java#L36
# - id: 13 #FIRE ASPECT
# level: 2
- itemId: 276
meta: 0
count: 1
- id: 13
level: 2
- id: 26
level: 1
- itemId: 345
meta: 0
count: 1
slot: 9
Please report any issues on the gitlab page.