
  1. m3fri

    MPass 1.0.0

    MPass is a plugin that allows you to prevent logins with devices like Windows 10 and also provides login permission to login: /pass (name). The plugin has flexible settings in the config: “settings.yml”.
  2. Pigeon2333

    JoinCommand 1.0.1

    Execute commands when the player enters server. #Delay of executing commands. If the command works abnormally, adjust the delay. # 20tick=1s delay: 0 #The command when the player enters server. #@p is preceded by "" to support player names with Spaces. #Add &con to represent console permissions...
  3. Aenoxic

    Discontinued DSGVO 1.0.0

    With this plugin, players must accept the basic privacy policy in order to play on the server. This happens once. After accepting, the player will never be asked again. The complete plugin can be edited with the Config. --- # Please define the design of the UI. title: "Please accept our...
  4. Sleepybear

    ItemJoin 1.4

    Simple plugin that can add a set of items to a player's inventory and optional clear the inventory prior to adding when they join the server. Config file also enables ability to set certain users as bypassing the inventory clear, if it is enabled. Items to give on join are set in the...
  5. Extollite

    Experimental MaxHealth 1.2.0

    Setting Player's max health and current health. Automaticlly saved to file on logout. Optional different health in every world, for more info check Config Section. Config: Permissions: Commands: If "multiLevelHealth" is false: If "multiLevelHealth" is true: For troubleshooting PM at...
  6. T

    Advanced Welcome 0.1

    config.yml '#type examples': message title type: message message: - §l§3Welcome to your server - '§3website§c: §4' - line 3, you can add more lines title: §l§3Welcome to your server subtitle: '§3website§c: §4' image icon...
  7. R

    GSounds 5.0

    --|---------->GSounds<----------|-- You can get from this plugin, Fully customized, Death, Quit, Join, Sounds!, Unique plugin!, --|---------->WHAT THIS PLUGIN CAN DO?<----------|-- Plugin can give you a chance to change Join, Quit, Death sounds!, 1 - Death sounds editable! 2 - Join sounds...