
  1. Trollhunters501

    Tips 2.1.9

    ⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠ This plugin IS NOT MINE if it is yours you can claim it by sending me a message! This plugin was taken from Github for the purpose of making it known! Credits to lt-name, SmallasWater 若水 Plugins necessary:
  2. MrRazamataz

    ChatMOTD 1.1.1

    This plugin no longer needs Pokkit to run; it's a nukkit plugin now. This plugin is very simple, it allows players to view a message that you have set when they join the server. The idea was based on this post: (4) Looking for a chat MOTD (welcome message) plugin : admincraft (
  3. W

    2.0 Welcome Messages v1.0.0

    WelcomeMessages is a Nukkit 2.0.0 plugin that can be used to display a welcome message/title/subtitle to users when they join your server! Upon running the plugin, a "config.yml" file will be made in your plugins folder. Inside the file are various properties you can modify to...
  4. H

    Motd 1.1

    Add MOTD to the server! Config.yml: Prefix: '&f[&bHMMotd&f]' Motd: '&6欢迎加入%server_name%服务器人数:%online%' SubMotd: '&6在线人数:%online%' smode: false Motdreason: '&c服务器正在维护!' SubMotdreason: '&c服务器正在维护!' Command/Permission: /motd smode /motd reload /motd show
  5. aNulliHate

    MOTD 1.0

    Features Server MOTD can choose if it's dynamic or just static Join MOTD can choose if show MOTD in multiple worlds PlaceholderAPI Support in Join MOTD can customized the messages in config.yml Config Server-MOTD: enabled: true type: "static" # static / dynamic change-interval: 3 # time...