- Compatible API Versions
- 1.0
- Sourcecode
- https://github.com/MrRazamataz/ChatMOTD
- Contributors
- MrRazamataz
This plugin no longer needs Pokkit to run; it's a nukkit plugin now.
This plugin is very simple, it allows players to view a message that you have set when they join the server. The idea was based on this post:
(4) Looking for a chat MOTD (welcome message) plugin : admincraft (reddit.com)
`/setchatmotd &6message to set to` - chatmotd.set. When the MOTD is changed it will broadcast the new message in chat and set it as the join MOTD.
`/motd` - Show the MOTD (when a player runs it)
Official Guide: How to install and use ChatMOTD [Nukkit] | WitherHosting Knowledegbase
That's it!
This plugin is very simple, it allows players to view a message that you have set when they join the server. The idea was based on this post:
(4) Looking for a chat MOTD (welcome message) plugin : admincraft (reddit.com)
`/setchatmotd &6message to set to` - chatmotd.set. When the MOTD is changed it will broadcast the new message in chat and set it as the join MOTD.
`/motd` - Show the MOTD (when a player runs it)
Official Guide: How to install and use ChatMOTD [Nukkit] | WitherHosting Knowledegbase
That's it!