
  1. eat-sleep-code

    TunnelBuilder 2025.01.25.22

    Build a lighted tunnel with configurable length and direction. Choose from a standard stone tunnel, a parallel powered rail tunnel, or a farm tunnel. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the TunnelBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder...
  2. Darelybarely

    Lifesteal 1.0

    Enhance your Nukkit server with the Lifesteal plugin, where players gain hearts by eliminating others. Admins can adjust player health with the /heart <add/set> <player> <hearts> command. Configurable max health ensures balanced gameplay. Ideal for adding a competitive edge to PvP.
  3. m3fri

    MPass 1.0.0

    MPass is a plugin that allows you to prevent logins with devices like Windows 10 and also provides login permission to login: /pass (name). The plugin has flexible settings in the config: “settings.yml”.
  4. S

    is possible put plugin into source code of software

    is possible put plugin into source code of software without add plugin into plugins folder example add AntiCheat to source code without add to plugin folder
  5. S

    The plugin is not shown in the /plugin command

    I made a plugin and converted it to a jar, but it doesn't work plugin link :
  6. R

    NearbyPlayers 1.0

    This Nukkit plugin allows players to easily check who is nearby in the game world. You can customize radius using the near.radius.* permission, where * represents the number of blocks for detection.
  7. S

    Is there a pokkit alternative?

    I have been wanting some bukkit plugins. Bukkit plugins do not work, except if you have pokkit, which does not work 99% of the time. Are there any alternatives to pokkit?
  8. F

    Block sniper for nukkit

    Does nukkit have block sniper ?
  9. Trollhunters501

    Obsidian 1.0.8

    ⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠ This plugin IS NOT MINE if it is yours you can claim it by sending me a message! This plugin was taken from Github for the purpose of making it known! Credits to lt-name Obsidian Obsidian-Obsidian nk sky island auxiliary plugin Implemented features: Empty bucket click on...
  10. Trollhunters501

    Does anyone know a plugin with support for Minecraft Java?

    Hello! I need a plugin for Nukkit that adds support for Minecraft Java Please thank you very much!
  11. BlockMagicDev

    BetterBroadcaster 1.0

    ✨ Broadcasting System plugin for Nukkit Supported Nukkit API 1.0.0 Documentation Configuration (config.yml): broadcaster-interval: 40 # Seconds prefix: "[ Broadcaster ]" messages: - "Message 1" - "Message 2" - "Message 3"
  12. L

    MYSQL Database Config With Plugin

    I am trying to set up a MYSQL database for the ClaimChunk Plugin but every time i go to start the server it throws the following error. java.lang.RuntimeException: cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException: Plugin attempted to register com.claimchunk.listeners.Join while not enabled at...
  13. TuEG I x5ucht1x

    Plugin Auftrag

    Wir suchen derzeit jemanden der (entgeltlich natürlich) uns bei der Erstellung eines Skyblock Servers unter die Arme greifen könnte. Sei es nun das Schreiben von Plugins oder aber mit Tipps und Erklärungen, wie wir dies bestmöglich selbst tun können. Wir sind eine Realm Community von aufgerundet...
  14. Valentineu0

    GamemodeUI v1.1.0

    Easy-to-use Gamemode tool for your game. You can authorize non-operator users with the gmui.cmd Authorization.
  15. N

    Cant place signs even whith out permissions plugins

    I have just created a new Nukkit server for the first time and it's not allowing me to place signs, even with permission plugins (LuckPerms) removed. I'm not sure if it's a bug or I'm just a big idiot.
  16. _1984

    Rank Tag Plugin?

    I'm looking for a plugin or a way that I can setup ranks easily on my Nukkit server. Is there a way to assign someone a rank and put it right next to their username such as Hypixel does? Thanks, - Sherixn
  17. ub0n

    Need a plugin developed. *paid*

    Looking for a developer to develop a plugin much like GunWar. Something which has lobby capabilities, and maybe some form of multiworld support. Things like Create-a-Class and prestige, maybe many gamemodes. Basically COD in minecraft...
  18. sewek333

    I'm looking for a plugin

    I'm looking for a plugin "menu" Instead of memorizing comedies, one /menu And when you click the button, the assigned command will be triggered. Thx
  19. DotCheck

    Experimental Executable Items : Items that run commands! 1.0

    With this plugin you may assign one or more commands to an item. This plugin's properties are customizable via a config.yml. Sample Config: There is currently a known issue regarding a NULL exception. Similarly hitting the air doesn't work. It is being worked on!
  20. AeroTrain

    Experimental BuildFFA 1.0 ALPHA | GERMAN Bug Fixes

    BuildFFA By AeroTrain ich werde sehr viel noch adden wie fall damage off kits usw Ich hoffe euch gefällt meine Alpha version Wichtig! Das Plugin wird nur funktionieren wenn Ihr Luckperms auf eurem server installiert habt. PERMISSIONS //Team buildffa.cteam...