[Deleted] Command-Aliases

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depascaldc submitted a new resource:

Command-Aliases - allows you to create command aliases for your server

View attachment 1110 This plugin allows you to create command aliases for your server.

- /alias <add/remove> <alias> [on add: command to be executed]
- permission: command.alias

# commandalias: 'command executed'
hello: 'me says hello all :)'
# you can use split words too
ask hru: 'me ask how are you?'
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New Member
Are you able to set a Permission for the alias? like if I want a player just to have the permission for the alias not the original command?
And can you make a alias for a command with sub characters?(alias= nv(nightvision) command= effect @s night_vision 1000 1 true)
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