
DiscordChat 2.4.0


New Member
Do you have that enabled in the config?
# formatting of Discord messages shown in game

Yes i have it both turned on but the only thing working is the discord chat to minecraft and the minecraft chat to discord dont work

discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "%player% -> %msg%"
# formatting of game messages shown in Discord
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "%player% -> %msg%"


New Member
Do you have that enabled in the config?
here check if theres anything wrong with the config

# config version, do not edit
configVersion: 2
# bot token
botToken: "NTkwNjU4NTM4Nzg4MDkzOTcy.Xi4TdQ.IFce-b9qC0I1FpT_tFGJ5lwTQsM"
# Discord server chat channel id
channelId: "668385783559880733"
# enable debug messages
debug: true
# enable bot status
enableBotStatus: true
# Playing _________
botStatus: "Building on SW"
# set text channel topic, leave empty to disable
channelTopic: "Shapeworks Build Community Server"
# enable !playerlist command on Discord
playerListCommand: true
# enable !ip command on Discord
ipCommand: true
# server address to show in !ip command
serverIp: "sw.duckmc.net"
# server port to show in !ip command
serverPort: "25613"
# enable join messages to Discord
joinMessages: true
# enable quit messages to Discord
quitMessages: true
# enable death messages to Discord
deathMessages: true
# enable server start messages to Discord
startMessages: true
# enable server stop messages to Discord
stopMessages: true
# enable Discord messages to Minecraft
enableDiscordToMinecraft: true
# enable Minecraft messages to Discord
enableMinecraftToDiscord: true
# show Discord messages also in console
enableMessagesToConsole: false
# enable Discord console
discordConsole: false
# Discord server console channel id
consoleChannelId: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"
# formatting of Discord messages shown in game
discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "%player% -> %msg%"
# formatting of game messages shown in Discord
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "%name% : %msg%"
# Discord messages over that length will be cut
maxMessageLength: 255
# allow massages sent by a bot to show in game
allowBotMessages: true
# enable spam filter (beta)
spamFilter: false
# translations
status_server_started: "**:white_check_mark: Server started!**"
status_server_stopped: "**:x: Server stopped!**"
info_player_joined: "**:heavy_plus_sign: %player% joined the server**"
info_player_left: "**:heavy_minus_sign: %player% left the server**"
info_player_death: "**:skull: %death_message%**"
command_playerlist_empty: "**No online players**"
command_playerlist_players: "Online players"
commands_ip_address: "SW IP:"
commands_ip_port: "SW Port:"
discord_prefix: "§f[§bDiscord%role%§f]"


Staff member
here check if theres anything wrong with the config

# config version, do not edit
configVersion: 2
# bot token
# Discord server chat channel id
channelId: "668385783559880733"
# enable debug messages
debug: true
# enable bot status
enableBotStatus: true
# Playing _________
botStatus: "Building on SW"
# set text channel topic, leave empty to disable
channelTopic: "Shapeworks Build Community Server"
# enable !playerlist command on Discord
playerListCommand: true
# enable !ip command on Discord
ipCommand: true
# server address to show in !ip command
serverIp: "sw.duckmc.net"
# server port to show in !ip command
serverPort: "25613"
# enable join messages to Discord
joinMessages: true
# enable quit messages to Discord
quitMessages: true
# enable death messages to Discord
deathMessages: true
# enable server start messages to Discord
startMessages: true
# enable server stop messages to Discord
stopMessages: true
# enable Discord messages to Minecraft
enableDiscordToMinecraft: true
# enable Minecraft messages to Discord
enableMinecraftToDiscord: true
# show Discord messages also in console
enableMessagesToConsole: false
# enable Discord console
discordConsole: false
# Discord server console channel id
consoleChannelId: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"
# formatting of Discord messages shown in game
discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "%player% -> %msg%"
# formatting of game messages shown in Discord
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "%name% : %msg%"
# Discord messages over that length will be cut
maxMessageLength: 255
# allow massages sent by a bot to show in game
allowBotMessages: true
# enable spam filter (beta)
spamFilter: false
# translations
status_server_started: "**✅ Server started!**"
status_server_stopped: "**❌ Server stopped!**"
info_player_joined: "**➕ %player% joined the server**"
info_player_left: "**➖ %player% left the server**"
info_player_death: "**? %death_message%**"
command_playerlist_empty: "**No online players**"
command_playerlist_players: "Online players"
commands_ip_address: "SW IP:"
commands_ip_port: "SW Port:"
discord_prefix: "§f[§bDiscord%role%§f]"
What chat formatting plugin you use? At least LuckChat's "ChatAsync" mode is known to cause issues with other plugins like this
Last edited:


Staff member
Would it be possible to add a like some sort of role sync, where if the player has a rank in the game they will have the role added in discord?


Staff member
PetteriM1 updated DiscordChat with a new update entry:


WARNING: If you are updating from 1.x the old config file will be replaced and you will need to set up this plugin again. Config will be updated automatically if you are updating from older 2.0 beta.

Added changes:
  • Remove text format of Discord user names
  • Remove line breaks when spam filter is enabled
  • Moved rank color mapping to config
Planned changes:
  • Dynamic bot status
  • Dynamic channel topic to both console and chat...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Staff member
PetteriM1 updated DiscordChat with a new update entry:

Release 2.0 (Beta 4)

WARNING: If you are updating from 1.x the old config file will be replaced and you will need to set up this plugin again. Config will be updated automatically if you are updating from older 2.0 beta.

Added changes:
  • Not showing quit messages for players that were never spawned
  • Updated JDA to solve recent loading issues
Read the rest of this update entry...


Staff member
PetteriM1 updated DiscordChat with a new update entry:

Release 2.0

WARNING: If you are updating from 1.x the old config file will be replaced and you will need to set up this plugin again. Config will be updated automatically if you are updating from a 2.0 beta version.

Changes ( -> 2.0):
  • Channel topic
  • All messages editable in config
  • Editable prefix
  • A setting for max message length
  • A setting to allow messages by bots
  • Using JDA 4.2.0
  • Reduced plugin size
  • Spam filter and mention blocker...
Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
great it works i tested it and join message leave message server started server stopped message to discord and message to minecraft works great easy to configure


When messaging from discord to minecraft, the name/role is always messed up. like this "Null[Role]" instead of a colored role. i went into the config and matched the role color codes with the ones in the config, but that didnt help, what do i do?


New Member
I could use some help with the discordconsole system it asks for the required role and so I insert the role ID into the config but when I go to use it in my discord it tells me that I do not have the permissions for it even though I have the role.