label means used command alias. Every command can have aliases like /gamemode /gmgot it, what does the parameter "label" do? And are there other ways?
nothing, only aliaswhat does command alias do(excuse me for asking) okay.
and how should I create and assign permsions to commands and players?
right. But you can register them dynamically in the code as if I want 2 create a permision, I only need to register it in plugin.yml, no need to anything in the plugin source code, am I correct
set default to "op"Get. And how do I set the permision default to another permision like creating a permision named "example" and ops will own it by default, how should I do that?
default can be "true", "false", "op" and "notop"isn't default a boolean?
all the permissions have a default valuecan it be set to other permissions?
yesso I can set it to other permissions, is it what you want to express?