hvm24 submitted a new resource:
KillQuestPlugin - KillQuest is a feature-rich quest system for Nukkit servers, allowing players to complete kill and g
KillQuestPlugin - KillQuest is a feature-rich quest system for Nukkit servers, allowing players to complete kill and g
Read more about this resource...## **KillQuest - A Nukkit Quest System**
**KillQuest** is a **feature-rich quest system** for **Nukkit** servers, allowing players to complete **kill and gather quests** for rewards. It includes **multilingual support**, **scoreboard tracking**, and **EconomyAPI integration**.
## **Installation**
1. **Download the Plugin**
- Compile the plugin using Maven (`mvn clean package`)
- Find the generated `.jar` file in the `target/` directory.
- Move the `.jar` file to your...