
KillQuestPlugin 1.0.3


New Member
hvm24 submitted a new resource:

KillQuestPlugin - KillQuest is a feature-rich quest system for Nukkit servers, allowing players to complete kill and g

## **KillQuest - A Nukkit Quest System**
**KillQuest** is a **feature-rich quest system** for **Nukkit** servers, allowing players to complete **kill and gather quests** for rewards. It includes **multilingual support**, **scoreboard tracking**, and **EconomyAPI integration**.


## **📥 Installation**
1. **Download the Plugin**
- Compile the plugin using Maven (`mvn clean package`)
- Find the generated `.jar` file in the `target/` directory.
- Move the `.jar` file to your...
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New Member
hvm24 updated KillQuestPlugin with a new update entry:



✔ onPlayerFish: Handling fishing events so fishing quests can be created
✔ Jumping Puzzles: Procedurally generate jumping puzzles with varying heights and difficulties.
✔ Puzzle Persistence: Puzzles are saved and can be reloaded after server restarts.
✔ Player Movement Tracking: Detect when players start and complete puzzles.
✔ Block Restrictions: Prevent players from modifying puzzle areas.
✔ Puzzle Management Commands: Create, list, and...
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New Member
hvm24 updated KillQuestPlugin with a new update entry:


- Added regenaration of puzzle when a user finishes it
- Added regeneration of puzzle, using a reset block. You must stay at least 5 seconds on it
- Added 2 Doors around the start block so the players can enter and exit the puzzle
- Added 5 Events to be triggered from within the plugin
- JumpPuzzleEndEvent
- JumpPuzzleStartEvent
- JumpPuzzleTimeoutEvent
- QuestEndEvent
- QuestStartEvent
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New Member
hvm24 updated KillQuestPlugin with a new update entry:


- Added quest tracking for distance traveled (in height, depth or any direction)
- see example quests.yml
- Added better Forms handling of quest selection
- Added /queststatus command to show the detailed view of the active quest
- Added the ability to cancel the active quest in the /queststatus command
- Added the configuration possibility for generated kumpign puzzles
- /jumpconfig <name> <resetOnCompletion> <greenBlockResetTimeout>
- resetOnCompletion - Boolean - To regenerate the...
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