Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.9.0

Nukkit for Minecraft 1.9.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #253.

Again, this is only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.


You probably haven't given yourself OP and are in spawn protection or you have plugins blocking you.
Next time, please create a separate thread.
I need help on my server 1.9.0 nukkit do not appear monsters or animals tells me the following

14.03 20:05:30 [Server] INFO Selected Zlib Provider: 2 (cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibThreadLocal) 14.03 20:05:30 [Server] INFO Abriendo servidor en 14.03 20:05:30 [Server] INFO Este servidor está corriendo Nukkit versión git-f4459d5 "" (API 1.0.8) 14.03 20:05:30 [Server] INFO Nukkit es distribuido bajo la LGPL License 14.03 20:05:30 [Server] INFO Loading recipes... 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Loaded 1203 recipes. 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded 0 resource packs 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] WARN Nivel "world" no encontrado 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Preparando nivel "world" 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Epoll is available. EpollEventLoop will be used. 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] WARN Nivel "nether" no encontrado 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO No level called "nether" found, creating default nether level. 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Preparando nivel "nether" 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Iniciando GS4 status listener 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Configurando puerto query en 19148 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Corriendo Query en 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Modo de Juego por defecto: Modo Supervivencia 14.03 20:05:31 [Server] INFO Listo (10.309s)! Escribe "help" o "?" para recibir ayuda

can you help me please