Plugin request: Schematic Importer


New Member
Hey i would like a plugin that can import schematics on to a nukkit server, ik asyncworldedit has this option but it does not work for Nukkit servers


Staff member
Even in nukkit?, I've talked to the creators of the plugin on intellectual sites and they say it don't work for nukkit
Put the schematic file to schematics folder and use //schematic load <file> and after that paste it using //schematic paste


New Member
Put the schematic file to schematics folder and use //schematic load <file> and after that paste it using //schematic paste
but i dont have a schematic folder in my FAWE folder.
should i make one manually or is it that i have to run //schematic in-game first


New Member
I cant find the schematics folder. How did u generate one?
By default FAWE doesn't have a schematic folder, so you'll need to generate one. Here's how you do it.
Step 1: Login to your server and make sure FAWE is enabled and working properly.
Step 2: Run the command //pos1 move over a bit and run //pos2
Step 3: Run //copy
Step 4: Run //schematic save name or //schem save name
Follow these steps and it will generate the folder. After initially setting this up you won't have to do this process again. To add custom schematic files from this point forward you'll need to access it in your servers FTP. Hope this helps a bit.