Problem with converting world from bedrock


New Member
I've been trying to get Nukkitx set up for a three days now just trying to figure out how to get the world transferred from on original bedrock server. I've gotten as far as converting the world to java 1.12 with MCC Tool Chest. The only problem with that is a lot of the chunks are messed up and blocks are missing or replaced by other blocks (ex the paths in villages are replaced with end rods). I can't figure out why.
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Staff member
I've been trying to get Nukkitx set up for a three days now just trying to figure out how to get the world transferred from on original bedrock server. I've gotten as far as converting the world to java 1.12 with MCC Tool Chest. The only problem with that is a lot of the chunks are messed up and blocks are missing or replaced by other blocks (ex the paths in villages are replaced with end rods). I can't figure out why.
Having some blocks replaced with wrong blocks sounds like you have converted the block IDs to the Java edition ones what the converter may do by default as the anvil format is mainly used in Java edition. You can try to find and option to convert the world without changing block IDs or use WorldFixer plugin to change them back to bedrock edition IDs. If there is missing blocks or other weird stuff that may be because not all of the blocks are supported yet.