- Compatible API Versions
- Most
- v1.1 -
- Disguise List -
/disguise | /dis
- Select disguise -
/disguise <disguise> | /dis <disguise>
- Stop disguise -
/disguise remove | /dis remove
zombie, creeper, skeleton, spider, zombiepigman, enderman, cavespider,
witch, stray, husk, witherskeleton, wither, vindicator, evoker, drowned,
chicken, cow, pig, sheep, wolf, villager, mooshroom, ocelot, horse, panda,
donkey, mule, skeletonhorse, zombiehorse, polarbear, llama, turtle, cat
Disguises are removed on teleport and portal entry.
I will eventually release the gui version after testing.
- Disguise List -
/disguise | /dis
- Select disguise -
/disguise <disguise> | /dis <disguise>
- Stop disguise -
/disguise remove | /dis remove
zombie, creeper, skeleton, spider, zombiepigman, enderman, cavespider,
witch, stray, husk, witherskeleton, wither, vindicator, evoker, drowned,
chicken, cow, pig, sheep, wolf, villager, mooshroom, ocelot, horse, panda,
donkey, mule, skeletonhorse, zombiehorse, polarbear, llama, turtle, cat
Disguises are removed on teleport and portal entry.
I will eventually release the gui version after testing.