RsNPC 2.5.0

feat: Add sound playback when clicking dialog button @lt-name (71f98e2)
feat: Add button in GUI management to move NPC to current position @lt-name (717961d)
feat: Add sound playback when opening dialog @lt-name (9c24eb9)
feat: Add headYaw parameter to NPC coordinates @Mcayear (#42)
Use permission nodes for permission checking
Entity names support variables for individual players
Fix error when GameCore is not installed
NPC configuration "点击执行指令 " and "发送消息 " are skipped if they do not exist
Fix default skin error report
Automatically replace the character \n with a newline
Variable substitution adds exception capture
Fixed the issue of null pointer in emoticon sending package
Add hideCustomSkin interface
Added three built-in skins
Fix the problem of @p being replaced by RsNPCFakePlayer
Optimize dependency automatic update function
Improve multi-language support