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  1. CreeperFace

    MYSQL Database Config With Plugin

    There must be some previous stacktrace or message that led to plugin disablement.
  2. CreeperFace


    Hi check your config file there should be `lines_gaps` option which is probably missing or set to zero
  3. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.3.9 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.3.9

    - fix compatibility with latest nukkit
  5. CreeperFace


    Now they seem to be updated.
  6. CreeperFace


    Check both are the latest, it should be compatible
  7. CreeperFace


    you can use placeholders. It shouldn't be hard to make a placeholder that executes a command and returns its output
  8. CreeperFace


    They cannot disappear unless you forces them to. Ensure you save your world when creating new holograms
  9. CreeperFace


    Not related to KotlinLib
  10. CreeperFace


    Please provide the steps which caused the error
  11. CreeperFace


    It's caused by your plugin that uses older version so either downgrade placeholder API or update the plugin
  12. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated PlaceholderAPI with a new update entry: Version 2.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. CreeperFace

    PlaceholderAPI - Version 2.1.1

    - Fix KotlinLib
  14. CreeperFace

    How to use external libs

    Use maven or gradle, almost all plugins here contain a github link or something
  15. CreeperFace

    More Placeholders - Version 2.0

    - Update to PlaceholderAPI 1.4
  16. CreeperFace

    More Placeholders

    CreeperFace updated More Placeholders with a new update entry: Version 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. CreeperFace

    Holograms - Version 4.0

    - Update to PlaceholderAPI 1.4
  18. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated Holograms with a new update entry: Version 4.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated PlaceholderAPI with a new update entry: Version 1.4 Read the rest of this update entry...