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  1. CreeperFace

    PlaceholderAPI - Version 1.4

    - Add support for placeholder scopes - Rework API - Other fixes
  2. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated KotlinLib with a new update entry: Version 1.4.31 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. CreeperFace

    KotlinLib - Version 1.4.31

    - Bump kotlin version to 1.4.31
  4. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated Residence with a new update entry: Version 1.3.8 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. CreeperFace

    Residence - Version 1.3.8

    - add LlamaEconomy support
  6. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated ChestShop with a new update entry: Version 1.1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. CreeperFace

    ChestShop - Version 1.1.2

    - add LlamaEconomy support
  8. CreeperFace


    No it's just a feature you can use if you have plugins providing some kind of language api
  9. CreeperFace


    For now players can sell items by creating their own shop
  10. CreeperFace

    Lucky perms placeholders help!

    Use this plugin for luck perms placeholders The list of all luck perms placeholders can be found here Custom placeholders can be registered with PlaceholderAPI. See the developer...
  11. CreeperFace


    Sound sound = //your sound player.getLevel().addSound(player, sound);
  12. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.3.8 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.3.8

    - Fix NPE - keep line numbers for exceptions
  14. CreeperFace

    Plugin Perms

    You shouldn't touch the plugin permissions in the first place. I assume you want to change default permissions for players which you are able to achieve with a permission manager such as LuckPerms
  15. CreeperFace


    depends on your server configuration
  16. CreeperFace


    Make sure you save your worlds before restarting.
  17. CreeperFace

    Example plugin fails to load and crashes nukkit

    No it's not. Clouburst API is being completely reworked
  18. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated Residence with a new update entry: Version 1.3.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. CreeperFace

    Residence - Version 1.3.7

    - fix group flags
  20. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated Residence with a new update entry: Version 1.3.6 Read the rest of this update entry...