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  1. S


    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Chunk loader flag Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Mobplugin support

    Mob spawn & mob damage flags now work with mobplugin
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Mobplugin support Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Split build flag into place and break

    Changelist: Split build flag into place and break, permissions and messages also splitted Fixed bug wich caused all flags to work even if they`re disabled in region
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Split build flag into place and break Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Unique message for each flag

    Now each flag has its unique message Message can be edited in the lang file in the lang folder
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Unique message for each flag Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Lightning stike & mob spawn flags fix

    Changelist: Lighting strike & mob spawn flags now work (spawn event isn`t cancelling, mob getting closed after spawning!) Other little improvements
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Lightning stike & mob spawn flags fix Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Priority system & update description

    Update description Priority system When enabled in config only flag of region with higher priority will work. For example, if you have region "R1" with priority 1 and disabled build flag which overlaps region "R2" with priority 0 and enabled build flag everyone will be able to build inside of...
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Priority system & update description Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Sleep & chest access flags & flags display

    Changelist: Chest access flag - prevent non members from using chests, ender chests & trapped chests Sleep flag - prevents non members from using beds Flags display settings - flags with disabled display (editable at the config) wont be shown when using /rg info command Lighter flag now works
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Sleep & chest access flags & flags display Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Update checker & flags

    Changelist: Auto update checker fire flag - disabled by default lightning strike flag - enabled by default
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Update checker & flags Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Bring fastutil back

    Bring fastutil back
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Bring fastutil back Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Lpos commands, remove fastutil

    Changelist: /rg lpos1/lpos2 commands - set region positions at the block player looking at remove fastutil cuz minimize script dont work
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: Lpos commands, remove fastutil Read the rest of this update entry...
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    SRegionProtector - Sell command, commands threads

    Changelist: /rg sell & /rg removefromsale commands instead of selling with /rg flag sell command editing commands executor`s threads amount in config fixed block entity healer caused world saving error