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    SRegionProtector - critical bug fix

    Critical loading error fix
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    Sergey_Dertan updated SRegionProtector with a new update entry: critical bug fix Read the rest of this update entry...
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    Sergey_Dertan submitted a new resource: SRegionProtector - flexible region protection plugin Read more about this resource...
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    SRegionProtector 30.1

    Flexible region protection plugin with lots of flags. WIKI Features: Chest UI and form UI Priority system SQLite, MySQL & PostgreSQL support high performance lots of flags, all list can be found HERE unique messages for each flag API for another plugins flexible settings regions selling multi...
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    Why is fake inventory closes automatically after 3-4 seconds after open?
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    Why is fake inventory closes automatically after 3-4 seconds after open?

    U dont need to create real entity or changing block, just send the data packet