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  1. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated MemoriesOfTime-GameCore with a new update entry: 1.6.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. LT_Name

    MemoriesOfTime-GameCore - 1.6.6

    Configuration description key supports content with - and _ Fix the problem of asynchronous Task blocking PNX thread pool
  3. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated MemoriesOfTime-GameCore with a new update entry: 1.6.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated MemoriesOfTime-GameCore with a new update entry: 1.6.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. LT_Name

    MemoriesOfTime-GameCore - 1.6.5

    Remove SavePlayerInventory class Add ConfigUtils tool
  6. LT_Name

    Experimental TranslateAPI - 0.0.2

    Fix known bugs
  7. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated TranslateAPI with a new update entry: 0.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. LT_Name


    LT_Name submitted a new resource: ChatTranslate - Automatic translation of player chat messages Read more about this resource...
  9. LT_Name

    Experimental ChatTranslate 0.0.1

    Automatic translation of players' in-game chat messages If you have any questions, you can also contact me through discord depend: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore TranslateAPI config.yml #Automatic translation of chat message display format autoChatTranslateFormat: "§7[§6AutoChatTranslate§7]...
  10. LT_Name

    Experimental TranslateAPI 0.0.2

    TranslateAPI If you have any questions, you can also contact me through discord depend: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore What is TranslateAPI? TranslateAPI is an extension of the GameCore plugin, whose main function is to provide translation interface to other plugins. How to install TranslateAPI...
  11. LT_Name


    LT_Name submitted a new resource: TranslateAPI - GameCore extension module, providing translation API Read more about this resource...
  12. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry: 1.7.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. LT_Name

    GunWar - 1.7.0

    Added: Global chat function (add @ before in-game message to send global message) Exit room to execute command function New game mode - free for all mode New game mode - conquest mode Changed: Updated MemoriesOfTime - GameCore dependency to version 1.6.3
  14. LT_Name

    MemoriesOfTime-GameCore - 1.6.3

    Change GameRoomManager
  15. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated MemoriesOfTime-GameCore with a new update entry: 1.6.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry: 1.6.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. LT_Name

    GunWar - 1.6.1

    Added: Restrict players from modifying skins in the game Game start countdown title prompt + sound effects Scoreboard to show game mode Changed: Banner model resized to optimize game experience Fixes: Fix player online judgment in some modes (game not automatically ended after player left)
  18. LT_Name


    LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry: 1.6.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. LT_Name

    GunWar - 1.6.0

    Added: Allow customization of hit information for custom items added by the original/other plugins Store(shop) mode settings (not enabled/globally available/only available at start) Room configuration adds respawn-need-time to allow custom respawn time Initial support for TeamSystem Floating...
  20. LT_Name

    MemoriesOfTime-GameCore - 1.6.2

    Fix RankingAPI and TextFakeEntity