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  1. NoName

    Minigame plugin please

    What kind of minigame do you need?
  2. NoName


    NoName updated BetterSize with a new update entry: Small errors were fixed + New Commands Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. NoName


    Yes actually if you simply do not specify a permission
  4. NoName

    Experimental BetterSize - Small errors were fixed

    Small errors were fixed
  5. NoName


    NoName updated BetterSize with a new update entry: Small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. NoName


    NoName updated CustomCommands with a new update entry: Small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands - Small errors were fixed

    Small errors were fixed
  8. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands - A command description was added

    A command description was added
  9. NoName


    Gespielt updated CustomCommands with a new update entry: A command description was added Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. NoName


    Gespielt updated CustomCommands with a new update entry: +Prefix, + Command Message Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands - +Prefix, + Command Message

    A general prefix has now been added. Also message were added
  12. NoName


    Thank you for your lovely comment I will think about that with the ui
  13. NoName

    [GERMAN] Nukkit WebInterface

    Bei mir funktioniert das aber nicht
  14. NoName

    [GERMAN] Nukkit WebInterface

    Brauch ich dazu noch andere plugins?
  15. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands - Commands were added

    2 Commands fields were added
  16. NoName


    Gespielt updated CustomCommands with a new update entry: Commands were added Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands - small errors were fixed

    small errors were fixed
  18. NoName


    Gespielt updated CustomCommands with a new update entry: small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands 1.0.8

    With this plugin you can play developer and create your own command in the config(So far only a customcommand)