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  1. NoName


    Gespielt submitted a new resource: CustomCommands - Custom Read more about this resource...
  2. NoName

    [GERMAN] Nukkit WebInterface

    Fur was ist das plugin?
  3. NoName

    Chat Bug

    This is not a bugg you just do not know your way around
  4. NoName


    No one will help you there because the dev makes nothing more here
  5. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid - That with the leave message comes the join message this has now been fixed

    That with the leave message comes the join message this has now been fixed
  6. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid

    Gespielt updated Custom Join and Quid with a new update entry: small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. NoName

    Experimental BetterSize - small errors were fixed

    small errors were fixed
  8. NoName


    Gespielt updated BetterSize with a new update entry: small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. NoName

    Experimental Custom Discord Command - small errors were fixed

    small errors were fixed
  10. NoName

    Custom Discord Command

    Gespielt updated Custom Discord Command with a new update entry: small errors were fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. NoName

    Experimental Custom Discord Command 1.0.2

    With this plugin you can enter your Discord link in the config and every player can view the link with /dc or /discord.
  12. NoName

    Custom Discord Command

    Gespielt submitted a new resource: Custom Discord Command - Discord Read more about this resource...
  13. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid - Stopping other threads FIX

    Stopping other threads Was now fixed
  14. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid

    Gespielt updated Custom Join and Quid with a new update entry: Stopping other threads FIX Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. NoName

    Experimental BetterSize - Stopping other threads FIX

    Stopping other threads Was now fixed
  16. NoName


    Gespielt updated BetterSize with a new update entry: Stopping other threads FIX Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid - Now in English

    Now in English
  18. NoName

    Custom Join and Quid

    Gespielt updated JoinandQuid German with a new update entry: Now in English Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. NoName

    Experimental BetterSize - Now everything in English

    Now everything in English
  20. NoName


    Gespielt updated BetterSize with a new update entry: Now everything in English Read the rest of this update entry...