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  1. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead submitted a new resource: MDungeon - Best dungeon room plugin (for MRPGNPC Read more about this resource...
  2. MuffinHead

    [Deleted] MDungeon

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  3. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Change the format of command! Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Change the format of command!

    Fix bugs and change the type of command the old format is use ':' to split for some commands need ':' like give special damage item now use ';' to split
  5. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fix a little but confused me 2days bug! Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fix a little but confused me 2days bug!

    When player join the server or change level to npc's level.the npc's skin will weird. And i add teleport x+1 z+1 then it works.Idk why!!!! In a word,bug fixed,so happy!!!!
  7. MuffinHead

    [Deleted] MDungeon

    MuffinHead submitted a new resource: MDungeon - A super amazing dungeon plugin with MRPGNPC for RPG Server Read more about this resource...
  8. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: New Skill and support a new PLugin Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - New Skill and support a new PLugin

    new skill: ChangeDefenseFormula:xxxx
  10. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Ready for a new plugin! Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Ready for a new plugin!

    Ready for a new plugin!
  12. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed bugs Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed bugs

    Fixed {} and {}
  14. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed bugs Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed bugs

    Fixed bugs
  16. MuffinHead


    No, emmmm you can get skin model from app pack but the format of geometry maybe not working on plugin
  17. MuffinHead


    What did you type in that got this error ?Can you show me?I can check which part is wrong
  18. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Update the Runcommand skill,config can set npc enable boundingbox Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Update the Runcommand skill,config can set npc enable boundingbox

    In old npc config, you can write the BoundingBox: true/false by yourself Runcommand:true/false:command if is true the damager player will run this command,if is false,consolesender will run command
  20. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: New skill! Better boundingbox Read the rest of this update entry...