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  1. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - New skill! Better boundingbox

    Fix bounding will let npc teleport to some amazing places. New skill! SetSpawn:x:y:z:yaw:pitch:levelname Spawn your mob and set the tick skill,every xx tick change mob's spawnposition,then they will inbreak your town!
  2. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed bugs!New function! Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed bugs!New function!

    Fixed bugs!!! New targetOption! damage/hate/distance To choose multi target New Skill! Shoot how to use?See the presentation!
  4. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: The plugin is just support 1.12.0 version skin now! Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - The plugin is just support 1.12.0 version skin now!

    The plugin is just support 1.12.0 version skin now!
  6. MuffinHead


    later i will
  7. MuffinHead


    The model should use 1.10.0 version not 1.12.0 version,the format of the model is a little different between 1.10.0 and 1.12.0
  8. MuffinHead


    :confused:The plugin and spawning point have been removed is okay in theory...Not sure if it's a real plugin‘s problem ,I'll keep an eye on it
  9. MuffinHead


    umm that's weird,It would be better to have more examples and more clues . Is the world be lagging as time goes on or it be lagging immediately?
  10. MuffinHead


    also use /status to check the tps if any lagging about server you can tell me
  11. MuffinHead


    If possible, I suggest trying the lower version. The client seems to have a bit lagging at the beginning of 1.16.101. I have been testing the 1.16.20 version with no problem
  12. MuffinHead


  13. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed bugs Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed bugs

    Fixed some bugs and Add one new skill Action:int let npc doing some action 21 is heart particle
  15. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed spawnlimit bug Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed spawnlimit bug

    Fixed spawnlimit bug
  17. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Fixed some bugs and update Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. MuffinHead

    MRPGNPC - Fixed some bugs and update

    Add new setting:UnattractiveCreature.Contrary to ActiveAttackCreature,if you write some characteristics of other mobs in the list,the mob wont attack these mobs.You can make message npc or command npc by this setting.
  19. MuffinHead


    MuffinHead updated MRPGNPC with a new update entry: Skill update! Read the rest of this update entry...