Search results

  1. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.21.2

    Nukkit now supports version 1.21.2. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1116. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  2. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.21.0

    Nukkit now supports version 1.21.0. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1111. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  3. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for 1.20.80

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.80. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1108. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  4. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit Feature Update

    Experimental builds that support LevelDB format worlds (the same as what Bedrock uses) and a wealth of new features found in recent Minecraft updates have been made available! We are looking for people to test these builds so we are able to get any bug reports solved before these changes are...
  5. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.20.70

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.70. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1106. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  6. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.20.60

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.60. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1101. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  7. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.20.50

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.50. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1095. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  8. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.20.30

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.30. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1083. Use this direct link to always get the latest build: Report Bugs As...
  9. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for 1.20.10

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.10. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1078. Report Bugs As always, if you encounter any bugs, please report them on our GitHub issue tracker. Stay Notified For the latest news and info, check out the CloudburstMC Discord. Thank...
  10. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for 1.20.0

    Nukkit now supports version 1.20.0. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1062. You can get the latest builds from the Jenkins CI page, and use this direct link to always get the latest build...
  11. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for 1.19.80

    Nukkit now supports version 1.19.80. You can download it from our Jenkins page starting from build #1059. You can get the latest builds from the Jenkins CI page, and use this direct link to always get the latest build...
  12. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for 1.19.10

    As of build #996 on Jenkins, Nukkit supports MCBE 1.19.10. This is protocol support only. No new features have been added to Nukkit in this update. As always, please report any bugs you encounter on our GitHub issue tracker: You can get the latest...
  13. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit 1.18.30

    As of build #966 on Jenkins, Nukkit supports MCBE 1.18.30. Nukkit updates only include protocol updates to allow new clients to connect, no new blocks or features are supported. Should you find any bugs not related to unimplemented content, please report them on the GitHub Issue Tracker. You...
  14. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.17.40

    As of Build #902 on Jenkins, Nukkit now supports Bedrock Edition 1.17.40 (protocol version 471). As a reminder, Nukkit updates only include protocol updates to allow new clients to connect, no new blocks or features are supported. Should you find any bugs not related to unimplemented content...
  15. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.16.0

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.16.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #714. Update: Support for the latest minor release (1.16.220) has been added We've had support out for over 2 weeks now although I completely forgot to post this announcement. 😅 This is only protocol support...
  16. SupremeMortal

    We are now Cloudburst!

    Hey everyone, It's been a long time coming but we're finally renaming this organisation! We wanted to do this as there's been a lot of confusion about the difference between - Nukkit: the original project and repo - NukkitX: this organisation - NukkitX's fork of Nukkit, Nukkit 1.0: the...
  17. SupremeMortal

    NukkitX joins CubeCraft Games

    Today I'm pleased to announce that NukkitX is now part of CubeCraft Games! This isn't going to change anything immediately. The day to day management of this project still remains with myself and the other core contributors, source code in the repositories remains under license and copyright of...
  18. SupremeMortal


    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: AdvancedBan - Advanced punishment tool for Nukkit Read more about this resource...
  19. SupremeMortal

    Premium Test

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: Premium Test - test Read more about this resource...
  20. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit 2.0 Alpha

    Nukkit 2.0 is now in alpha with support for blocks above ID 255 (old chunk format limitation), LevelDB support, faster chunk loading and a variety of other features that listed are below. This build is NOT intended to be used in production environments as there are still major bugs that could...