Adding a potion effect to a player


New Member
Can anyone point me in the right direction for creating this effect on a player. I have watched the tutorials online mainly Bukkit, but some of the ways that they do it seem to be different from how its done on NukkitX. I have read the docs and tried a few different ways but still i'm unable to achieve this. Thanks.


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Staff member
Can anyone point me in the right direction for creating this effect on a player. I have watched the tutorials online mainly Bukkit, but some of the ways that they do it seem to be different from how its done on NukkitX. I have read the docs and tried a few different ways but still i'm unable to achieve this. Thanks.
p.addEffect(Effect.getEffect(Effect.FIRE_RESISTANCE).setDuration(300 * 20).setAmplifier(2).setVisible(false));