
FuturePlots 1.4.3-SNAPSHOT


Active Member
Dieses Plugin scheint sich nicht mit PowerNukkit zu vertragen. Wenn Spieler ein GS Claim und man den Server nach einer gewissen Zeit restartet haben die Spieler ihr Gs nicht mehr.
Hello , I have an problem , When I have this plugin on my server my players can mine nor break blocks outside of their lots, how can I fix this?


Active Member
Wird hier noch was gemacht oder können hier die Server die dieses Plugin nutzen ihre Server zurücksetzen?


New Member
Hey I am having an issue with the plugin when I generate the world it wokr everything is fine, but when i TP its Frozen world same as my lobby was wondering if you could help! thank you


Active Member


Active Member
tim03we updated FuturePlots with a new update entry:

FuturePlots 4.0.0

Hello everyone,

It's been a long time since you've heard from me. But soon the time has come, FuturePlots will be back with many new features! Among others with a working wall and border system, a working merge feature and custom roads. This update will not be continued on this account, but on the account of @OvisDevelopment. This is my new development organization! As soon as the update is released, there will be another...
Read the rest of this update entry...