
Experimental FuturePlots 1.4.3-SNAPSHOT

Compatible API Versions


FuturePlots is a future-safe plot plugin, with which you can generate plot worlds and other players can claim plots to build their house or similar.


Economy Support
  • EconomyS (EconomyAPI)
  • MongoDB Support

/plotplots, p
generate <world>futureplots.command.generategenGenerate a plot world
addhelper <player>trustAdd a helper of the plot
addmember <player>Add a member of the plot. He can only build if the owner is online
removemember <player>rmmemberRemove a member
removehelper <player>rmhelperRemove a helper
autoFind a free plot
claimcClaim a plot
clearresetEmpty the desired plot
disposeUnlock the desired plot to claim
deletedelDelete the desired plot
help [page]Call up the command list
home [number] [world]hGo to your plots
homesList your plots on
infoiDisplay plot information
deny <player>Ban a player from the plot
undeny <player>Pardon a player from the plot
kick <player>Throw a player off the plot
setowner <player>Set a new owner for the plot
sethomeSet the home of the plot
deletehomedelhomeDelete the home of the plot
futureplots.economy.bypassBypass the economy function as a player with the permission

For any questions I am available to everyone on the Discord Server.
First release
Last update
4.33 star(s) 27 ratings

More resources from tim03we

Latest updates

  1. Merge feature coming soon!

    Many people have already asked about the Merge feature, which also exists in PlotSquared. They...
  2. Hotfix

    Fixed a bug with the /p auto command, which allowed you to claim infinite plots If there are...
  3. Bug Fix

    Fixed a bug when jumping to a field If there are any errors, you can write them to me on...

Latest reviews

nice plugin with big potential but i think the development is death
Thanks for your review! The development is going on throughout. Currently there are no updates on Cloudburst, because the merge feature has to be tested extensively. To get updates for it, go to Discord to get all info about it or to FuturePlots' Github page to download it. Support is only available on our Discord.
very good plugin, I like it but it would be more than better if it added support for LlamaEconomy
LlamaDevelopment support was added in a pre-release some time ago. You can download the pre-release on our Discord.
Great Plugin
Can you Upload the new Merge Version Here?
Thank you for your review! For sure, the merge feature will be uploaded here as soon as it is 100% bug-free.
great plugin love the effort mate noticed that if I use plot auto then plot claim I'm able to claim 2 plots even if max is one would love a fix other wise good solid plugin :D
I will have a look at this. Thanks for your review!
Leider ist das Plugin nicht so nice.
Nach Restart sind alle geclaimten Plots weg.
Es hat absolut keine Features und auch kein aktives Development.
Man versichert hier den Leuten das ein Update in Zukunft kommen wird aber passieren tut hier absolut nix.
1. Nach einem Restart sind alle geclaimten Plots wieder frei.
2. Absolut keine Funktionen.
3. Wie kann man hier behaupten es sei besser als P2? Klingt als hättest du dir gute Rezis gekauft.
4. Keine Updates mehr.
5. Keine Bug Fixes obwohl es ne Menge gibt.
6. Zahl lieber bissl Geld und lasst euch Plotsquared fixen!
good plugin! If when I claim the plot with my money that is a message "took how many money" I think it's be better!
Auf jedenfall besser als PlotSquared.
Ich habe einen Fehler gefunden: Wenn man ein Plot Claimt und den Server neustartet ist das Plot wieder unclaimed. Vielleicht bin ich auch einfach ziemlich dumm oder so 😅
hello,this is a excellent plugin but i met a bug in my server so let me describe it in brief。When a player enters a plot, an error will be reported in the background if they trample crops
Thanks for your review ;) I will have a closer look at this mistake.
Cool Update! Very usefull and user-friendly! :) :)
Thanks for your review! ;)