
GunWar 1.7.1


Active Member
name updated GunWar with a new update entry:

1.0.5-SNAPSHOT git-a0be722

(Google Translate)
[+] Custom item function:
  • Melee weapons
  • Projectile weapon
  • Long-range weapons
[+] Added GUI interface for custom items
[~]GUI room list shows room mode and number of people
[+] Automatic backup and restore function of room map
[~] The blood volume is changed to the boss blood bar display
[~] Change the room structure to facilitate the addition of new modes
[+] You can set the limit of the number of people in the room with commands or GUI
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Active Member
name updated GunWar with a new update entry:

1.0.6-SNAPSHOT git-fc58174

(Google Translate)
[~] Create/set room commands made simple
The following commands have been removed
/gunwaradmin setwaitspawn Set the current position as the waiting point
/gunwaradmin setredspawn Set the current position as the spawn point of the red team
/gunwaradmin setbluespawn Set the current location as the spawn point of the blue team
/gunwaradmin setwaittime number Set the waiting time after enough players
/gunwaradmin setgametime number Set the maximum game time per round...
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Active Member
name updated GunWar with a new update entry:


(Google Translate)
[~]Fix the problem of closing bomb entities
[+] Docking with RsNpcX to add variable for the number of people in the room (only available in RsNpcX 1.2.0 and above)
{GunWarRoomPlayerNumberAll} The number of players in all rooms​
{GunWarRoomPlayerNumberclassic} The number of players in the classic mode room​
{GunWarRoomPlayerNumberctf} Number of players in Capture the Flag mode room​
{GunWarRoomPlayerNumberblasting} The...​
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Ultra Player

New Member
I have already a scoreboard plugin and since I installed the other plugin (scoreboard api) in the condole it sais no dependance found for your plugin


Active Member
LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry:


(Google Translate)
Update MemoriesOfTime-GameCore dependency to version 1.4.1​
After the end of the round, delay 3 seconds to start the next round​
Players will now gain three seconds of invincibility when reborn​
The listener was not cleaned up when the room was unloaded​
Compatibility issues starting from the Nukkit-923 build version​
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Active Member
LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry:


(Google Translate)
team mode​
In-game credits and shop mechanics​
Show translated room mode name instead of showing English directly​
Room initial item configuration now supports high version string format id​
Wait state no longer shows bottom countdown​
Player automatic blood recovery problem​
In-game block interaction issues​
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Active Member
LT_Name updated GunWar with a new update entry:


(Google Translate)
Add points (deduction) configuration for killing teammates​
Scoreboard adds %integral% integral variable​
Players in the waiting state are no longer limited by points for purchasing items (unlimited points)​
Wait state no longer intercepts custom item click events​
Added the problem of not emptying the backpack in the room​
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