
LiuliDoubleTeamBedwars v1.1


LoserLiuli submitted a new resource:

LiuliDoubleTeamBedwars - A simple bedwars plugin for nukkit

Need BlocklyNukkit as dependence!
Bedwars in 2 teams

How to Install:
just download the zip file and unzip it and put it into the plugins/BlocklyNukkit folder.Please make sure you have the BlocklyNukkit plugin installed first.
BlocklyNukkit Plugin Download:
Plugin Config:
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Hi, random question before I start using this plugin, is it only for 2 teams? And other question is what's the start command and one more, could you maybe add /bwrandom to join a random bw game?


Hi, random question before I start using this plugin, is it only for 2 teams? And other question is what's the start command and one more, could you maybe add /bwrandom to join a random bw game?
sorry for i forgot to tell you that command ,the command is /ldtbw join
and it only for 2 teams.


is there a default map i could work with? I can't figure out how to work it all.
you can download the template server pack in the MineBBS


Hello, this warning appeared while loading server:
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN loading BN plugin: ldtbw.js
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN In initialization of "ldtbw.js"
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN at line 2 column -1 occurred an error:
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN SyntaxError: Invalid JSON: <json>:1:0 Expected json literal but found F
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] INFO FILE NOT FOUND
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] INFO ^ in <eval> at line number 2


Hello, this warning appeared while loading server:
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN loading BN plugin: ldtbw.js
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN In initialization of "ldtbw.js"
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN at line 2 column -1 occurred an error:
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] WARN SyntaxError: Invalid JSON: <json>:1:0 Expected json literal but found F
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] INFO FILE NOT FOUND
26.08 01:10:02 [Server] INFO ^ in <eval> at line number 2
you forgot to put ur config in


New Member
¡Hola! ¿Cómo coloco un NPC de ventas como el que mostraste? ¿El completo tiene un mapa predeterminado con generadores?