
PluginManager 1.0.9


Active Member
BuddelStudios submitted a new resource:

PluginManager - Manage your plugins inGame and speed up plugin development

View attachment 3442

A Plugin to manage all of your servers plugins and also a tool to speed up plugin development

You can use PluginManager to load, unload, reload, enable, disable and uninstall plugins.
Yes. You can reload single plugins without the need to reload the entire server. This could save alot of time while developing plugins due the reduced loading times.

So what features does PluginManager...​
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Active Member


Active Member
BuddelStudios updated PluginManager with a new update entry:

Quality of Life tweaks

- Added permission "pluginmanager.admin" to access everything
- pm load does not require you to write the full file name. It now searches for a file starting with your input.
- You cannot load plugins twice anymore using pluginmanager.
- Fixed bug which allowed you to disable pluginmanager when its written in lowercase
- /pluginmanager [plugin] now shows the plugin ui. You dont have to browse every plugin in the /pm menu anymore. (Even though it is still possible) [You also dont have to...
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Active Member
BuddelStudios updated PluginManager with a new update entry:

Lots of improvements

- Config Browser will now list folders first, than files
- Added a button to the config browser to go to the previous button (..)
- Window Identification now by ID instead of random color codes in the title
- Plugin Info Form will blend out unknown sections
- Commands from unloaded plugins will now be unshown to users, readded when plugin loaded again
- Plugins that depend on a disabled/unloaded plugin will now disable and reenable when the plugin is loaded again.
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Active Member
BuddelStudios updated PluginManager with a new update entry:

Sub Command Data

- PluginManager is now registering Sub Command Data.
- Fixed some misspellings.
- The Plugin Info Window displays commands again, if they are not in the plugin.yml.
- The Plugin Info Window now shows you all Plugins that depend on a Plugin.
- Added Command /pluginmanager uninstall. Only executable by an operator!

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Active Member
BuddelStudios updated PluginManager with a new update entry:

Important Update: Schedulers

I never realized that schedulers are not bound to a plugin, if the plugin author does not add the plugin parameter to the scheduler. But no one, except mob plugin does that. This caused PluginManager to cancel schedulers even if you reload another plugin.
With this update, PluginManager scanns every ten seconds for schedulers and if they dont have a plugin attatched to it, PluginManager detects the plugin and attaches it then.
Schedulers are now forced to be tight to a plugin. Reloading a...
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Art farm

I pay $9 per month for 1 server, if I do a lot of them, it will cost a lot of money, and since you have a plugin for other plugins, I advise you to add this feature.


Active Member
I pay $9 per month for 1 server, if I do a lot of them, it will cost a lot of money, and since you have a plugin for other plugins, I advise you to add this feature.
Then you are getting scammed. Never rent minecraft servers. Always rent a vps (virtual private server) or dedicated server and set up the software by yourself. You save like 60% money.
Adding that feature is impossible with the nukkit api. Otherwise I would've done that.

Art farm

I'm given 50 gigabytes of ROM and 10 gigabytes of RAM, if I lower the bar, then all my players (50 online on average) will lag.


Active Member
I'm given 50 gigabytes of ROM and 10 gigabytes of RAM, if I lower the bar, then all my players (50 online on average) will lag.
Okay... But that the implementation of "per world plugins" is pretty much impossible since you cannot cancel event calls in Nukkit. Sure. Disabling commands in a world is easy, but not disabling actions like block placing or breaking etc. That has to be implemented in the plugin itself. Do you have any coding skills? Adding this may just be a few lines of code in your plugins.


New Member
I found out you can delete it with the /pm disable PluginManger i just wanted to tell you so you can fix it and can maybe make a thing so you can put a file of plugins to allow and or not allow the uninstall of using a config file that is not allowed to be edited by the plugin or is part of the plugin in the jar so it can be allowed and or not allowed by owner so op players can't uninstall or install cretin plugins:)