Compiling Nukkit

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  • Compiling Nukkit

    : You don't have to compile Nukkit yourself unless you want to modify the code. You can find the latest precompiled JARs on our Jenkins.


    1. JDK 8
    2. Git


    Run the following commands:


    git clone
    cd Nukkit
    git submodule update --init
    ./mvnw clean package


    git clone
    cd Nukkit
    git submodule update --init
    chmod +x mvnw
    ./mvnw clean package
    The compiled JAR can be found in the target/ directory.

    Alternative method

    Hello, it's me again. Through this Generic Linux Install article, you have understood how to use Nukkit on Linux

    In the next article, we will install Intellij and how to convert .java file to .class

    Ok we will proceed to install it now!!!

    First you have to download the Intellij for Linux application

    Intellij Download Link: Download

    Then you have to extract the Intellij

    There are 2 ways to extract Intellij file:

    Method 1: Extract by right-click "Extract Here"

    Method 2: Extract using terminal

    Command to Extract: tar -xvzf NameFile.tar.gz

    So we have successfully extracted File Intellij. Next we will install Java 11 to run Intellij.
    Wait !!! If installing Java 11 how to run Java 8 for Nukkit ?

    Rest assured, I will show you how to run Intellij on Java 11 and Nukkit on Java 8 at the same time

    Command to install Java 11 for Linux:

    Ubuntu, Debian: sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
    CentOS, Rocky, RedHat: sudo yum install java-11-openjdk
    openSUSE: sudo zypper install java-11-openjdk-devel
    Arch: sudo pacman -S jdk11-openjdk

    Next, You need to set default java 8 for Nukkit

    Command to set default java:

    sudo update-alternatives --config java

    For example my Java 8 is 1 then I will type 1 and Enter to set Java 8 as default java

    sudo update-alternatives --config javac

    javac does the same thing as above

    Alright, next start running Intellij:

    To launch Intellij, navigate to the previously extracted Intellij folder. Then click on the "bin" folder and edit the file in the "bin" folder as follows:

    Add this line in export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/Your Name Java 11/"

    "Your Name Java 11" Is the name of the Java 11 file on your Linux. Here is an example image:

    Well, you've finished installing Intellij. So let's start converting the .java file to .class 🥳

    Command to launch Intellij: bash

    To be able to run maven error free. We need to install maven for Linux

    Ubuntu, Debian: sudo apt-get install maven
    CentOS, Rocky, RedHat: sudo yum install maven
    openSUSE: sudo zipper install maven
    Arch: sudo pacman -S maven

    Then restart Intellij and relaunch Intellij

    Now I will take the example of the Nukkit server file on github
    Link Download: Download

    You download this file and unzip the file

    We proceed to select the previously unzipped file
    Click "Open" in Intellij, then select the file you want to Build

    Alright, you'll be in the world of Nukkit java code. You will have to wait for the maven bar to finish loading then we will continue to the next step

    After maven finished loading. They will add Java JDK 8 for File Nukkit
    Here is an example image for you:

    You can choose a place recommended by Intellij below. But I want to choose JDK more carefully.

    If you have JDK folder more folder than other JDK file. Then it's the JDK you should choose it. The other JDKs are paths like desktop. So I will choose the folder Java

    We will wait for the bar below like maven to finish loading. After it finishes loading, we will enter the command to proceed with Build .java to .class

    Command to Build File.jar: mvn clean package

    If you wonder what is mvn clean package? I will always explain to you.
    "mvn" stands for maven, it will read the pom.xml file to support the Nukkit file.
    "clean" is considered to clean the old build file in the directory named "target"

    "package" is called create file.class, it will merge all file.classes in "target" directory to generate file.jar when it receives "mvn" command

    As simple as you think: build + delete + create new file

    After the Build is successful, it will show this text that you have created a file.jar

    To get the file.jar, it's in the "target" folder of the folder you chose to Build

    Good luck. If you have difficulty. Please get in touch via the Discord Nukkit team.
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