
LobbyNK 3.7.13

Compatible API Versions

LobbyNK is a strong and highly customizable Lobbysystem made by Buddelbubi.


Or contact me on discord: @buddelbubi

Please do not post bugs or questions in the review section. Use the discussions tab or discord

Story behild LobbyNK:

LobbyNK got developed for a single public server. It wasn't suppost to be public. But this server closed and I made LobbyNK public. At this time it wasn't that powerful like it is today.

But it was the only one Lobbysystem available for free. It grew very fast and alot of ideas were given to me. LobbyNK is community based.

But LobbyNK went down for nearly a year. Only a few copied were shared. I stopped developing because there were some troubles between me and the site owner...

But now, LobbyNK is back here and everyone of you can enjoy it.



  • Lobby Compass
  • Cosmetics
  • Hide other players item
  • doublejump
  • jumppads
  • flymode
  • Player settings
  • chatsystem
  • Disable Weather
  • Disable Hunger
  • Bossbar text
  • scoreboard (Not supported in Nukkit 2.0)
  • optic changes like max healh, level...
  • Multiworld
  • Multiple Lobbies
  • Lobby Selector
  • set / freeze time / weather
  • Compass Commands (for example /transfer for synapse support)
  • join/quit messages + Join Title + Join rockets...
  • update notificator
  • Buildprotection
  • disable damage (PVP included)
  • extreamly customizable!!!

How to install LobbyNK?:

Just download the File "LobbyNK.jar" (LobbyNK-2-0.jar for Nukkit 2.0) and drop it in your plugins folder in your Server. Then reload or restart your Server if it is running.

If it is not, just start it. LobbyNK will generate every config file you need.

Commands / Permissions:

Like every good Lobbysystem, LobbyNK also does have commands to setup.
But the most configurations are in the config files. For that you need a permission plugin like MultiPass or LuckPerms


/build: Your players are prevented to build/break anything. You are as well. But you can go in build mode using /build. You can give others permissions to build using /build [user].
/build: lobbynk.build.own,
/build [user]: lobbynk.build.other

/lobby: This command is used to setup LobbyNK.
Use "/lobby set spawn" to set the servers spawnlocation.
Use "/lobby reload" to reload your configfiles :D
Use "/lobby set [loc1-8]" to set your locations where your players should be teleported when they're using the compass
Use "/lobby gen [amount]" to generate new slots in your compass. Dont generate to many. It will crash your client.
Use /lobby sync [worldtocopy] [worldtooverwrite] to copy the world and all locations to another world. Instead a world to overwrite, you can write "all" to sync all lobbyworlds with the world you want to copy.
Use "/lobby addlobbyserver (Servername) [Address꞉Port]" to add another Server in your lobbyselector
/lobby set: lobbynk.lobby.set
/lobby reload: lobbynk.reload
/lobby gen: lobbynk.generate
/lobby sync: lobbynk.sync
/lobby addlobbyserver: lobbynk.addlobbyserver

/spawn: This command is used to teleport you to the servers spawn location. It doesn't have a permission. Everyone can use it

/clearchat: Use this command to clear your chat - Permission: lobbynk.clearchat


Every permission of a cosmetic starts with "lobbynk.cosmetic." If a player should get permissions to every cosmetic, just give him the permission "lobbynk.cosmetic.*" You can add stuff to this permission. Give permissions for "lobbynk.cosmetic.diamond.*" to allow every diamond cosmetic. You can also add Gold, Iron, Leather and chainmail. Then you can add "helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots". For example: "lobbynk.cosmetic.leather.chestplate" will allow to equip the leather chestplate.
For these special items like elytra are permissions too: Just add skull, wither, zombie, player, creeper, dragon, shell or elytra to the main permission "lobbynk.cosmetic."
To see the Cosmetics option in your gadgetsmenu, you need the permission "lobbynk.gadgets.cosmetics" To see the material, you need "lobbynk.cosmetic.view.*"
Replace the * to your material like "diamond" or "other" or for "enchant"

To enchant your cosmetic, you also need the permission for the equipment. Its like "lobbynk.cosmetic.enchant.*" If your want your players to be able to enchant only helmets, give the permission "lobbynk.cosmetic.enchant.helmet". Same for chestplate, leggings and boots.

Walking particles:

Its easy: Just add "angry, bonemeal, bubble, explode, heart, redstone, ink, note, enchant or flame to "lobbynk.effect." For example: "lobbynk.effect.heart" will make a lovely trail made out of hearts behind you. Very romanic.. <3 If you want to give someone permissions to every Walking particle effect, just add the permission "lobbynk.effect.*"
To see the Cosmetics option in your gadgetsmenu, you need the permission "lobbynk.gadgets.walkingparticles"


There are also effects like Jump Boost, Speed etc... The main permission is "lobbynk.effect." There you can add speed, jumpboost, levitation, invisibilty, blindness, nausea and nightvision.
To see the Cosmetics option in your gadgetsmenu, you need the permission "lobbynk.gadgets.effects"


Now, LobbyNK got pets! To be able so see the Pets option, you need the permission "lobbynk.gadgets.pets". Every pet has its own permission. The permissin is "lobbynk.pet.[pet]". Replace [pet] with the pet you want. The available pets are listed in your language file. To get the pet settings gui (to change name and size) you need the permission "lobbynk.pet.settings". If you're using MobPlugin, disable it in your lobbyworlds!


To remove all of your cosmetics, particles and effects and pets you need the permission "lobbynk.remove"


LobbyNK has its own chat system. You shouldn't op your Admins. That would make them appear as owner. But lets get started with chat permissions: The main permission is "lobbynk." Dont give anyone "lobbynk.*" or he'll be able to do everything... Oh.. I talk to much... I think you're the owner. You should have "lobbynk.owner". Your administrators should have "lobbynk.admin", your moderators "lobbynk.moderator" etc... There are builder, supporter, youtuber, premium and custom1, custom2, custom3.
You can edit every chatformat in your chat.yml.


LobbyNK has other permissions I've to sum up.
One of them is "lobbynk.doublejump" or "lobbynk.fly" or even "lobbynk.forcefield" - Self explaining... isn't it?
Forcefield? Dont worry. It can't be abused. It will only prevent players to walk near to you. It wont do anything if you walk to them. Players with the forcefield permission also bypass another forcefield.
In the hidegui there is an option for "hide everyone except vip's". To be a vip, you need the permisson "lobbynk.vip". With this permission, you'll get the VIP hotbar.
To join full lobbies (if you enabled multilobby) you need the permission "lobbynk.fulllobby"

Since the 1.16 Update there is an option called "Allow Only Trusted Skins". Sadly its enabled by default. To make your skin trusted, you need the permission "lobbynk.trusted"

Special Items:

By default, players with the permission "lobbynk.vip" will get a VIP hotbar. This includes an Forcefield Item and an Silentlobby Item. By using the forcefielditem, you'll activate or deactivate your forcefield. But you need the permission "lobbynk.forcefield". By using the Silentlobby Item, you'll send to the next best VIP Lobby. Every VIP Lobby has its own permission. If your VIP Lobby is called "Lobby" the permission is "lobbynk.vip.Lobby".

VIP Lobbys:

VIP Lobbys are something special. You can only enter them with their permission or by other plugins. First of all you should know that a lobby gets registered if a 1. multilobby is enabled, 2. The world has a lobby spawn. A VIP Lobbyworld ALWAYS starts with "VIP-". For example: Your VIP Lobbyworld is called "VIP-Lobby" and the player has the permission "lobbynk.vip.Lobby", the VIP Lobby will appear as Lobby. Not as VIP-Lobby. But instead of a blue name, it is yellow. The Silentlobbyitem will chose the best VIP Lobby you've permissions to join. If you need help, ask me


Additional informations:

ServerCommunicator: ServerCommunicator is my other plugin. It let you transfer data to other servers without a database. Using ServerCommunicator you can add playercounters in you compass or lobbyselector for lobbyservers. Its a good way to get the best expericene for your players. (Outdated)
FriendSystem: LobbyNK supports FriendSystem. If the plugin is installed, LobbyNK will detect it and adds a new setting in your playersettings. You also can add a Head in your hotbar.yml to open the friends gui.


Download the plugin, put it in the plugins folder of your server, reload or restart it :D
Now you should start with the ingame setup: Join your server. Now set your spawn location with "/lobby set spawn". LobbyNK supports unlimited games in your compass. Use "/lobby gen 10" to generate 10 compassslots. LobbyNK generates 8 by default. To set your game locations, do "/lobby set loc1", "/lobby set loc2" ... You don't have to do this if you want your players to switch the server via the compass.
If you're done, go in your serverfolder\plugins\LobbyNK and open "config.yml"
Here you might change the basic settings. I think the options are self explaining if you're seeing them.
If you prefer commands like /transfer instead of teleporting, go in "compasscommands.yml"
It would be self explaining too..
In "images.yml" you put the texturepath of the texture that should be show in your compass. You get all textures in the default pack.
You can also use images from URL's.
Just change "Slot#.mode" form "path" to "url" and replace your "Slot#" to your image url. But I recommend using "path". Its loading immediately. URL's takes hours.. But it is possible.

Ah, The default languagefile is english.yml. But there is a german file too. But I would rather to edit them. I don't think you want the bossbar saying "You can change this in english.yml"

Now your Lobby is ready to go :D
If you want Jumppads, just place an emeraldblock (changeable in config) and on top of it an random block. Now you made a jumppad.
But you should check out the other config files

If you're using a proxy:
Synapse, you can use the build in /transfer command and add it to your compasscommands.yml. If you're using WaterDog, it is a little bit different.
Instead of adding you /server command, you've to add bungee[servername] to your compasscommands.yml. If you want to add a LobbyServer to your LobbySelector, do
/lobby addlobbyserver [Servername] bungee[servername]

Btw: Please read the plugin updates. There is some useful information you wont get in this plugin description

First release
Last update
4.73 star(s) 66 ratings

More resources from Buddelbubi.

Latest updates

  1. 3.7.13

    Changes v3.7.13: Added russian.yml lang file, Lost source code and decompiled my own...
  2. PowerNukkit patch

    Since nukkit updated json library, powenukkit didn't... I thought powernukkit would move to. But...
  3. API 1.0.13

    The nukkit api 1.0.13 broke lobbynk... Changed the imports.

Latest reviews

Лучший плагин! Ваш отзыв должен содержать не менее 50 символов.
Thank you :)
I dont know why but it keeps giving me hotbar items in worlds i didnt set the lobby. Its annoying and there is no way to type all world names where the plugin will be disabled or ignored so this wont happen.
You have to enable multiworld and multiworld inventories
Great plugin.Your review must be at least 50 characters.
very good plugin , I have nothing to complain about! thanks for the good plugin
Sehr Geiles Lobby systeam ne frage noch wo kann man den Double Jump ausmachen bzw. verinngern?
Just dont give the permission :)
There is very much you can set up and it's easy customisable
wait so this plugin is good, but how do i specify a world as a non lobby, so if you tp there, you will not have lobby items, perks, and restrictions? or do i have to host a separate server for that?
Enable Multiworld in your config and mutiworldSaveInventory. Then just set lobby spawns in all worlds you want to be a lobby
the plugin does not work when I install it on waterdogPE, is that normal?
Its a nukkit plugin. Not a waterdog pe plugin. Please install it on your nukkit server and not the waterdog server. Btw.. Reviews are not for questions like that. Use the discussions Tab instead.
Is there a way to make it so on death players are given the compass and stuff back?
If they respawn in a lobby, they should get them back
Nice Plugin!
Can you add subtitle on compass's button?