- Compatible API Versions
- 1.0.8
- Contributors
- Ceremonious
How to make a crate:
- Type /crates create <crate>
- Look at the block you want to set as the crate
- Type /crates setblock <crate>
- You can then add items/commands to the crate!
- You can also set keys to be an item or virtual!
How item chances work:
The chance system is based on weights. While the config states that it is a chance, this is misleading and actually represents a
weight. For this example, we will choose convenient numbers where the summation adds up to 100.
Let's say we had 5 items or commands with the following chances:
- 50
- 20
- 15
- 10
- 5
- The total weight is 100 = (50 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5).
- Reward Percentage = (weight / total weight) * 100%.
Planned features:
- Custom UI on Click
- Custom Items for Keys ✓ (v0.9.7)
- Holographic Nameplates
- % Chances on items ✓ (v0.9.7)
Error when first loading plugin (/reload/restart the server to fix)(v1.0) - FIXED -
Items with certain meta data get stuck in Inventory(v0.9.8) - FIXED -
Delete command not deleting from config file - FIXED -
Adding crates with commands adds weird characters into config file
permission: crates.keys
- /keys - Displays how many virtual keys a player has
- /crates read - Displays information for the item (in your hand) for easy configuring
- /crates list - List current crates
- /crates create <crate> - Create a crate
- /crates delete <crate> - Delete a crate
- /crates setblock <crate> - Set the crate block (It will pick the block you're looking at)
- /crates additem <crate> - Add an item to the crate
- /crates addcmd <crate> <command> - Add a reward command to the crate
- /crates removecmd <crate> <command> - Remove a reward command from a crate
- /crates addplayercmd <crate> <command> - Add a reward player command to the crate
- /crates removeplayercmd <crate> <command> - Remove a reward player command from a crate
- /crates givekey <player> <crate> <amount> - Give a crate key to a player
- /crates givekeyall <crate> <amount> - Give keys to every player on the server
version: 1.0 #used for safety checks for plugin updates
options: #plugin options
options: #plugin options
prefix: '&f[&e&lSC&r&f]&f' #prefix shown in chatcrates: #crates
default: #crate name
displayname: '&e&lSimple Crate' #crate displayname
rounds: 1 #amount of rewards per crate click
virtual: false #sets if crate keys are virtual
id: 131 #key item id
durability: 0 #key item durability
name: '{displayname} Key' #key displayname (use {displayname} for crate displayname. ex: &e&lSimple Crate)
lore: '&eUse on the {name} crate!' #key lore (use {name} for crate name. ex: default)
enchantments: #key enchantments
'17': 3 #enchantment id, level
commands: #crate commands that are ALWAYS ran
console: #console commands
- give {user} diamond 1
- tell {user} Thanks for downloading SimpleCrates!
player: #player commands
- me is awesome for running this plugin!
rewards: #crate rewards
items: #reward items
enchantedglass: #item identifier
id: 20 #item id
durability: 0 #item durability, ex: 35:3
chance: 100 #item chance
name: '&r&bEnchanted Glass' #item name
lore: #item lore
- Very special indeed!
amount: 16 #amount of items you get at once
enchantments: #enchantments (user /crates read command for information)
'0': 0 #enchantment id, level
'5': 2
id: 1
durability: 0
chance: 100
name: 'null' #set to 'null' if item does not have custom name
amount: 16
commands: #reward commands
console: #reward console commands
give {user} cookie 1: #command
chance: 20 #chance
player: #reward player commands
me I'm epic for using this plugin!: #command
chance: 20 #chance