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  1. CreeperFace

    How to increase tnt explosions?

    Use EntityExplodeEvent
  2. CreeperFace


    not yet. But 2.0 should have support
  3. CreeperFace


    Wait nukkit doesn't support worlds from minecraft 1.13 and above.
  4. CreeperFace


    Are you even able to load this world in nukkit?
  5. CreeperFace


    And what command are you using?
  6. CreeperFace

    Port plugins to Nukkit

    What do you mean by "not available"? Java and PHP are different languages. You can't expect them to have the same standart library.
  7. CreeperFace

    Port plugins to Nukkit

    The answer is simple as that: Learn java and PHP and pocketmine and nukkit API (if you haven't done that already). The nukkit api isn't much different in my opinion so it shouldn't be hard. After that you must just rewrite the plugins to java/kotlin or another JVM language. Currently there's no...
  8. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.0.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.0.7

    - fix vehicles - add an exception for elytra - add an option to disable elytra completely
  10. CreeperFace

    Raknet help

    Apprently cloudnet is not compatible with Waterdog
  11. CreeperFace

    Nemisys and Synapse
  12. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated WorldFixer with a new update entry: Version 1.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. CreeperFace

    WorldFixer - Version 1.3

    - Fix compatibility
  14. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.0.6-fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.0.6-fix

    - Removed log
  16. CreeperFace

    Command code in separate class

    the easiest way is to extend Command class. It's just and example from a bit more complex project.
  17. CreeperFace

    Command code in separate class

    Here is an example of separate command executor
  18. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.0.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.0.6

    - fixed nuker detection
  20. CreeperFace


    Hi, it's the server timezone.