
  1. dpkgsharish

    Experimental TG2Nukkit 1.2.3 Steak

    My First Plugin For Nukkit :D Tested on Nukkit-MOT and Nukkit PetteriM1 Setup is Simple: Create Bot Using Open config.yml Set your Bot Token Set Language (Optional) Reload server DONE! Why i did it plugin? just for fun :p Updates: 1.2.3 Steak Added: Optimized Code :p
  2. Trollhunters501

    FaceLoginNK 2.1.0

    FaceLoginNK Requirements: When players enter your server, Maker sure they receive a wrlcome message witch their face in the message! This Is a fork of: FaceLogin moved from Pocketmine to Nukkit...
  3. CrystalNeko

    toNeko 0.4.1

    toNeko brief introduction This is a mod/plug-in that turns players into cat girls, adding a little fun to the game. Supports Folia It revamps the chat system while adding some buffs and gameplay. Depends: CtLib download: Plug-in version Mod version Instructions Place it in the server/client's...
  4. Trollhunters501

    Clear ChatNK 1.2.0

    Requirements: Description: A simple plugin to Empty Player Chat! It also has Automatic Mode! The player can also clear their chat with the /clearchat command. Plugin Installation: Place the zip...
  5. GuneyYilmaz

    StaffChat+ 1.0

    # StaffChatPlus plugin for Nukkit It allows admin players to send messages with a special symbol at the beginning, that can only be seen by other admin players. 1/21/2023 - Released version v1.0 - Default prefix: # Default config prefix: "#" format: "§5StaffChat§g+ §f%player% §7»...
  6. MrRazamataz

    ChatMOTD 1.1.1

    This plugin no longer needs Pokkit to run; it's a nukkit plugin now. This plugin is very simple, it allows players to view a message that you have set when they join the server. The idea was based on this post: (4) Looking for a chat MOTD (welcome message) plugin : admincraft (
  7. Hard

    Experimental WorldChat 2.0

    WorldChat, provides a private chat to your worlds.To write publicly "!". This plugin works with Multipass and MultiChat. Download: MultiChat & Multipass
  8. Cownex

    TeamChat 1.0.2

    Important: This plugin will not be further developed. The support is also discontinued, if there are any errors, please fork it on Github and fix the error or expand the plugin. TeamChat by Cownex is a Simple TeamChat Plugin! Commands /tc login Login to Team Chat /tc logout Logout...
  9. DataLioness

    WDStaffChat 1.1.0

    This is a staff chat plugin to communicate with other staffs between servers.
  10. WinnerWinnerTen

    [CHAT] AdodvChat - Global and Local chat for survival servers 1.0

    AdodvChat - Global and Local chat for survival servers | Description >> The plugin is a chat divided into local and global. In the config, you can configure: the global chat symbol, messages for local and global chat (syntax), the radius of the local chat, the inclusion of local or global...
  11. sommerKaktus05

    SPY-Command 1.1.2

    DEUTSCH: Dies ist ein kleines Plugin mit dem man sehen kann, wenn ein Spieler einen Command ausführt. Mit der Konfigurationsdatei "config.yml" kann man alle Nachrichten bearbeiten und speichern! Wenn man die Rechte command.spy hat, kann man den Command /spy ausführen, wodurch man dann jedes...
  12. PetteriM1

    LightChat 1.1.2

    LightChat - Chat Formatting LightChat is a lightweight but feature packed chat formatting plugin which includes PlaceholderAPI support and various anti spam tools Features Per group chat and display name formatting Supports both LuckPerms and Multipass PlaceholderAPI is supported but not...
  13. ImDaBigBoss

    SuperChatRoom 1.4.1

    SuperChatRoom A simple chat room plugin that allows you to talk with friends privately! What this plugin does: You are able to use /chatroom to create, join and quit rooms. But also to invite other players into your room! You can even use /shout to talk in the general chat as if you wern't in a...
  14. VironLab

    Experimental MinecraftDiscordSyncPlugin

    Bukkit - Version BungeeCord - Version THIS IS A BETA VERSION ( Maybe some features are buggy ) IF YOU FIND ANY BUG PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AND REPORT THEM THERE ( DiscordInvite ) or use the github bug tracker ( Issues On Github ) For any requests, questions, support or ideas how to...
  15. Serengon4k

    ProxChat 1.0

    A chat plugin for Minecraft servers which makes it so you and other players have to be within a certain vicinity of each other to use chat and communicate. You can configure its maximum vicinity radius in the config.
  16. Hungerfan55

    ChatEssentials 1.2.1

    features - customize able messages in the config -Fun and usefull commands Setup 1. Download the jar. 2. Put the jar in your plugins folder 3. reload/restart your server Usage: /chat : gives an overview of all commands in this plugin /mutechat : Mutes the chat so that only people with...
  17. Hungerfan55

    Masssay 1.0.0

    A simple plugin to force all onnline players into saying 1 message usage : /masssay <message> If you dont understand how or what the plugin does watch this video for a tutorial : (Not my video) Dm me on discord for help or to request plugins : hungerfan#2523 Commands: masssay permission.masssay
  18. H

    AllCapsNX 1.0.0

    This is a very basic plugin written for NukkitX servers to make all chats sent by players be set to ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  19. J

    Looking for a plugin that can broadcast clickable links

    I need a plugin that is capable of broadcasting clickable links in chat, and do it on a set interval.
  20. BestKotzi

    ChatClear System | German 1.0

    Hallo, mit diesem Plugin für die Nukkit Version 1.14 könnt ihr den Globalen Chat Löschen! Commands & Permissions /clearchat - command.clearchat /cc - command.clearchat