
  1. H

    KillQuestPlugin 1.0.1

    KillQuest - A Nukkit Quest System v1.0.1 KillQuest is a feature-rich quest system for Nukkit servers, allowing players to complete kill and gather quests for rewards, and challenge themselves with procedurally generated jumping puzzles. It includes multilingual support, scoreboard tracking, and...
  2. Angga7Togk

    CoinsAPI 1.1.0

    CoinsAPI-NK CoinsAPI for Nukkit Commands Commands Description use /setcoin Set Coins Player op /addcoin Add Coins Player op /reducecoin Reduce Coins Player op /seecoin See Coins Player all /mycoin Check My Coins all Repository <repositories> <repository>...
  3. Serengon4k

    Payroll - Economy and RP Plugin 1.1.1

    THIS PLUGIN REQUIRES LLAMAECONOMY AND FORMCONSTRUCTOR from A nukkit plugin for economy servers that adds paying players and running business without being present way smoother. Heres some commands /manage Opens the portal to create, manage, and delete a business /timesheet Used...
  4. PetteriM1

    LlamaBridge 1.0.0

    LlamaBridge This plugin allows other plugins that depend on LlamaEconomy to work with EconomyAPI How to use? Just put this plugin into your plugins folder and other plugins that require LlamaEconomy will work. Currently using API from LlamaEconomy version 1.0.0 Found an incompatible plugin...
  5. SeqSEE

    CryptoconomyAPI v1.0.4

    CryptoconomyAPI Core of economy system for Nukkit forked from EconomyAPI using strings and BigDecimal to allow use of precision math for numbers with 8 decimal places or precision, making it a suitable choice for use with cryptocurrencies. Commands - /mymoney - /seemoney - /givemoney -...
  6. SenseiTarzan

    Experimental EcoSimple 1.5

    Data: plugins/EcoSimple/data/MoneyData.json Config: for change lang on config.yml change party start money in config.yml change top money count in config.yml Lang : - Français = fra - 中国人 = cn Thanks you at 枫黎秋 - English = eng - Pусский = rus Thanks you at C1oky Commands &...
  7. B

    Discontinued ChatGame 1.0.1

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с Permissions: cgame: description: "Send new game in chat" default: op equal: description: "Send correct response the game in chat" default: true Example commands: /cgame 123 + 456 1 - send game in chat through 1 minutes /equal - open the form...
  8. C1oky

    EconomyJob 1.0

    The plugin adds work to the server! Commands: /job start - start working
  9. W

    QuickShop 1.0.2

    Nukkit-QuickShop QuickShop for Nukkit How to use? Install plugin Download 'QuickShop' plugin. Put the plugin in the "plugins" folder. Restart your server. Create Shop Put a chest on ground Put a sign on the chest Use the items you want to sell and click on the chest Enter the price...
  10. Leonidius

    Trading Interface — Shop GUI 2.0.0

    Trading Interface is a shop system with graphical interface! Features: ★ Buying and selling items & shop management through an intuitive interface; ★ Support for items with enchantments, custom names & lores; ★ The list of items, available for buying, is divided into categories for convenience...
  11. Leonidius

    Trading Commands 1.0.4

    Trading Commands lets you organize a convinient shop system. It adds commands for buying and selling items. Unlike a shop with the tables, players can use commands from any point in the world. How to set up? Make sure that EconomyAPI is installed. In order to add an item to the shop, use...