
  1. superice666

    IronBlockElevator 1.0.1

    IronElevator Need BlocklyNukkit as dependence! Plugin introduction: Ironelevator is a good plug-in for adaptive iron elevator. The so-called iron elevator, that is, players can quickly through the iron block placed up and down to transfer. The so-called adaptive, that is, the plug-in will...
  2. superice666

    autoFireWork 1.0.0

    AutoFireWork Highly customized fireworks decoration plug-in Plug in function: Highly customized fireworks decoration! You can customize the frequency, location, flight time, color, shape, trajectory and flicker of fireworks Full open source, efficient operation, smooth without card service How...
  3. MarcelTCV

    Experimental FFA 1.0.0

    FFA - Beta Version - Try it out! It was a long time ago that i released the GunGame Plugin. In this long time did i learned from mistakes and did it better with the Minigame FFA. This version currently works only with MySQL. How i can use it? Put it in the plugins folder and restart the...
  4. H

    AllCapsNX 1.0.0

    This is a very basic plugin written for NukkitX servers to make all chats sent by players be set to ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  5. LT_Name

    MurderMystery_Nukkit 1.4.1

    Sorry for my poor English, the following introduction depends on Google Translate If you have any questions, you can also contact me through discord depend: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore Command: user: /killer Open UI /killer join NameOfRoom JoinGame /killer quit QuitGame /killer list List all...
  6. Bestniklass

    Experimental Fly Plugin (German) 1.0

    Hey, Du suchst ein gutes Fly Plugin? Ich habe mir die Zeit genommen um eins zu Programmieren. Ich hoffe euch gefällt das Plugin und würde mich über eine Positive Bewertung freuen. Befehle & Berechtigungen: /fly -> /fliegen ->
  7. W

    Player Lifestyle Modifier v1.0.0

    PlayerLifestyleModifier is a plugin that can be used to change the current amount of health and hunger your players have! By default, this command is only usable by players with op. - /modify-player <player> - Brings up a popup that allows you to modify the health and hunger of players!
  8. B

    Experimental MusicController 1.0

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с This plugin allows you to control sounds in players Permissions: default: op music.command.stop: default: op Commands: /music-start <song> <player> - starts the sound, if the additional argument <player> is specified, then the sound...
  9. W

    Boss Bar v1.1.1

    BossBar is a plugin that can be used to apply boss bars on players! By default, these commands are only usable by players with op. - /setbossbar <player> <text> - Sets the boss bar of a player to the text given. - /removebossbar <player> - Removes a set boss bar from a player.
  10. B

    Experimental VoteKickOrBan 1.0.1

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с Permissions: vote: default: true vote.stop: default: true default: true vote.kick.fine: default: true vote.kick: default: true vote.ban: default: true Commands: /vote - to vote /vote help - show the list a commands /vote kickFine <player>...
  11. B

    Discontinued ChatGame 1.0.1

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с Permissions: cgame: description: "Send new game in chat" default: op equal: description: "Send correct response the game in chat" default: true Example commands: /cgame 123 + 456 1 - send game in chat through 1 minutes /equal - open the form...
  12. MarcelTCV

    Experimental GunGame 1.1.2

    Functions : - Support K/D - Based on UI"S - Leaderboard News : - I begin now worked on the Kit System Help : How to setup the Arena world? `You can change the Arena World in the Settings File under [GunGame/settings.json] in the plugin folder. How to open the Main menu of GunGame? `Type...
  13. tim03we

    GunGame 1.1.1

    GunGame GunGame is a nice MiniGame that hasn't been seen often in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition scene before. That's why I want to give you one. This MiniGame also includes a self-configurable Config that allows you to customize the game to your needs. Features Edit the game news Activate or...
  14. Josewowgame

    Discontinued SkyWarsDragon 2.5

    Versión fixed 1.12: Content: - Vote op (default administrators) - panthom Destruction of map and caus in the game - Kits - cool deaht - fireworks to win - center with more op chests than those on the island - Portal and npc - Multi map system...
  15. M

    Custom Death Message 1.0.0

    This is a Death Message plugin that is created by me and my dev team, it consists of various Java edition features that Bedrock edition doesn't have yet. Including support for all death cases, features to show the name of the weapon that is used for attacking, and a config.yml file that is...
  16. LoveCraft

    Experimental LoveTrolls v1

    -Troll Commands For OP & Console- Message Me If You Find Any Bugs, or If You Have Any Troll Suggestions.. Commands: /lttrip <player> Make The Player Drop Item In Hand /ltswap <player 1> <player 2> Swap Two Players Positions /ltsteal <player> Take & View Players Inventory / Give Players...
  17. SupremeMortal

    SkinChanger 1.0.2

    Usage Adding Skins Create a folder insider the SkinChanger plugin folder with the name of your skin e.g. Add your geometry.json and skin.png to the folder making sure that the geometry name is the same your chosen skin name. Example: SkinChanger/
  18. coke

    MaxEnchants 1.1-SNAPSHOT_REL

    No need really for a description here, because it should explain itself. (THIS IS NOT A CUSTOM ENCHANTMENT PLUGIN) This plugin simply allows you to enchant any item with any enchantment with any level up to thirty-two thousand. Permission nodes are as follows: If you find any bugs, please...
  19. Ceremonious

    SimpleCrates v1.0.2

    SimpleCrates is my first Nukkit plugin ever created! It is roughly based off of Crates Reloaded for Minecraft Java Edition. A plugin for easy rewards by clicking a block with a key to win items! How to make a crate: Type /crates create <crate> Look at the block you want to set as the crate...
  20. R

    GSounds 5.0

    --|---------->GSounds<----------|-- You can get from this plugin, Fully customized, Death, Quit, Join, Sounds!, Unique plugin!, --|---------->WHAT THIS PLUGIN CAN DO?<----------|-- Plugin can give you a chance to change Join, Quit, Death sounds!, 1 - Death sounds editable! 2 - Join sounds...