
MobPlugin 1.27.1

I really love this plugin. But I was wondering if u could add a option in config to allow silktouch to break spawners to drop the items/mobs in the spawner
Great plugin! Keep up the good work.
it's execellent but got this error when changing settings
[36m13:52:53[m [[m[34mINFO [m[m] Enabling MobPlugin v1.10.6

[36m13:52:53[m [[m[1;31mERROR[m[m] Throwing

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException

at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at com.pikycz.plugman.utils.PluginUtil.enable( ~[?:?]

at com.pikycz.plugman.PlugMan.onCommand( ~[?:?]

at cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Server.dispatchCommand( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole.lambda$runCommand$0( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler.runTasks( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Server.tick( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Server.tickProcessor( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Server.start( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>( [nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main( [nukkit.jar:?]

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

at cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection.getInt( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.utils.Config.getInt( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.utils.Config.getInt( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at nukkitcoders.mobplugin.AutoSpawnTask.prepareMaxSpawns( ~[?:?]

at nukkitcoders.mobplugin.AutoSpawnTask.<init>( ~[?:?]

at nukkitcoders.mobplugin.MobPlugin.onEnable( ~[?:?]

at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase.setEnabled( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[nukkit.jar:?]

... 14 more

[36m13:52:53[m [[m[34mINFO [m[m] Disabling MobPlugin v1.10.6
Can the Ai be updated to where the mobs dont just run forever backwards if you hit them as well as possibly updating them to be more focused on the player nearest to them so they dont just kinda weirdly keep walkign away from you when you hit them
mobs and animals spawn in the water, I can't breed the animals and they despawn if I try to keep them in a pen? Also animals can't walk though gates. Would love for these bugs to be fixed if you have the time :)
works great and stable, thanks!
great plugin so far
Плагин топ и легко настроить
I really like the plugin, it need to be tweeked. I dont know if its a glitch but night mobs are spawning in lit areas
Awesome plugin :) but i have one question, can you make to can ride horses too?
Works. But please add horse riding.
Not perfect, but works! better than having a world without animals :) Only thing is that mobs run in one direction until they hit a wall then they turn to some other direction to do the same thing
how did the monsters in the day appear? please give examples
It works I guess
Nice, but please add water animals und reduce spawner radius ;D
Really needs update. Freeze issue has not been fixed as of yet.
Update works.
Great to see this still being worked on. This is what makes Nukkit better than the rest :)