
  1. Y

    Experimental RokiDragon 1.0.1

    RokiDragonPlugin RokiDragonPlugin is a Nukkit plugin that introduces a rideable dragon entity to your Minecraft server. Players can purchase, hatch, summon and ride their own dragons. The plugin also includes features for managing dragon eggs and ensuring that only the rightful owner can use...
  2. Trollhunters501

    PlayerScaleNK 2.0.0

    Information PlayerScale allows you to change the size of players! Features Forms support Size yourself and other players Commands /size <set/ui> /scale <set/ui> Permissions PlayerScale.cmd Credits Subscribe to Electro Games on YouTube!(Original Author) Pocketmine to Nukkit Translator...
  3. Trollhunters501

    Experimental MinecartFunNK 1.0.1

    MinecartFunNK Adds very fun minecarts to Minecraft Nukkit! This plugin adds minecarts that can move without tracks! To spawn use the command: /summon MinecartFun <playername> For Programmers: use this plugin as a library To get the entity the class is...
  4. Darelybarely

    Lifesteal 1.0

    Enhance your Nukkit server with the Lifesteal plugin, where players gain hearts by eliminating others. Admins can adjust player health with the /heart <add/set> <player> <hearts> command. Configurable max health ensures balanced gameplay. Ideal for adding a competitive edge to PvP.
  5. Darelybarely

    MLGRush - Fixed 1.1

    This plugin was created by Liuili but I fix it MLGRush is like bedwars but it's only 1vs1 where players aim to break each other's beds to score points or win the game. It typically involves teams or individuals competing to destroy beds while protecting their own. The gameplay revolves around...
  6. Trollhunters501

    Experimental Skywars v1.1.8

    ⚠⚠Attention⚠⚠ This plugin IS NOT MINE if you are the creator and want to Claim it send me a message! The plugin was found on Github and Brought here for publicity. Credits to SoBadFish Skywars SkyWar Minigame Command:/sw administrator command: /swa DEPENDS(Options): ScoreboardPlugin...
  7. Vinky

    Launchpads 1.0.0

    NukkitX Launchpads Simple launchpad plugin Config launchpads: blocks: # block ids - 152 # redstone_block - 57 # diamond_block multiple: # launch multiplier - 2 # for redstone_block - 4 # for diamond_block
  8. Trollhunters501

    Emotions 1.4

    # NK Emotions Requirements: It is a plugin to express yourself on the Nukkit server! Emotions plugin for nukkit! With this plugin you will have a command that will tell everyone how you feel! Original Plugin Creator: Unknown someone from...
  9. Trollhunters501

    Radio 1.1.2

    ⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠ This plugin IS NOT MINE if it is yours you can claim it by sending me a message! This plugin was taken from Github for the purpose of making it known! Credits to wode490390 and It-name Radio for Nukkit Radio is a plugin that allows the client to play specified background music...
  10. Trollhunters501

    Bedwar 2.2.3

    BedWar Introduction: In the game, players will have a completely different competition in the form of team PVP. The goal of the players is to protect their beds from being destroyed in the game, so they must work together and rely on teammates to cooperate with each other to destroy the...
  11. Trollhunters501

    Hotpotato (TNTTag) 1.2.1

    ⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠ This plugin IS NOT MINE if it is yours you can claim it by sending me a message! This plugin was taken from Github for the purpose of making it known! Credits to lt-name HotPotato: It depends on (required): MemoriesOfTime-GameCore License Java CI MCBBS The plugin is in the...
  12. Glorydark

    CrystalWars 0.6.0

    CrystalWars Discord: Click Here GitHub: Click Here Latest Snapshot: Click Here Dependence: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore | Cloudburst Nukkit & Minecraft Server Software ( Game description You need to collect resources to buy blocks, weapons and things like that. Eliminate the...
  13. GommeAWM

    BowTeleport 1.0.2

    BowTeleport BowTeleport | Minecraft Bedrock Edition | Nukkit | API 1.0.13 --- Description: > * BowTeleport is a simple teleportation Nukkit plugin. It allows you to teleport to the place your arrow/snowball landed. --- Features: ⭐ You can enable or disable teleportation with the `/bowtp`...
  14. Josscoder

    UltimateTroll 1.0.0

  15. I

    Experimental Marry 1.0.0

    Command: /marry
  16. LoserLiuli

    BridgingPractise v1.2

    BridgingPractise A bridging practise plugin helps you practise your bridging ability Commands default:/bpractise,can change in config.json /bpractise join - Join the practise area /bpractise leave - Leave the practise area Warning 1.DON'T LET MobPlugin GENERATE MOBS AT PRACTISE AREA 2.DON'T...
  17. LT_Name

    GunWar 1.7.1

    Sorry for my poor English, the following introduction depends on Google Translate If you have any questions, you can also contact me through discord depend: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore Command: user: /gunwar Open Game UI /gunwar join <roomName> Join a Game /gunwar quit Quit a Game /gunwar list...
  18. I

    Basic Relics 1.0.2

    This Plugin adds Relics to your server! Relics are items that can be found mining or can be given using the command /relic {player} {relic} {amount} Replace {relic} with one of the following commonrelic uncommonrelic rarerelic mythicrelic legendaryrelic Relics can be opened by right-clicking...
  19. Josewowgame

    MobArena Minigame Beta_1.0

    MobArena a game where you have to fight against monsters, each round will increase the number of monsters, the level of life of the monsters and the type of monster. Collect gold nuggets to upgrade your weaponry and buy items that help defeat monsters. Players who survive round 20 will win or...
  20. LT_Name

    HuntGame 1.3.0

    Sorry for my poor English, the following introduction depends on Google Translate depend: MemoriesOfTime-GameCore Command: user: /HuntGame Open UI /HuntGame join <roomName> Join a Game /HuntGame quit Quit a Game admin: /HuntGameAdmin Open UI /HuntGameAdmin setwaitspawn Set...