
  1. eat-sleep-code

    LadderBuilder 2025.02.04.22

    Build a lighted ladder shaft descending to the specified depth coordinate. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the LadderBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder. Usage Create a stone-walled, lighted ladder shaft to a depth of Y=20: /ladder...
  2. eat-sleep-code

    StairBuilder 2025.02.03.11

    Build a lighted staircase descending to the specified depth coordinate. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the StairBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder. Usage Ensure the area at least two blocks directly above the stairs is cleared of...
  3. eat-sleep-code

    TunnelBuilder 2025.01.25.22

    Build a lighted tunnel with configurable length and direction. Choose from a standard stone tunnel, a parallel powered rail tunnel, or a farm tunnel. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the TunnelBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder...
  4. dpkgsharish

    Experimental TG2Nukkit 1.2.3 Steak

    My First Plugin For Nukkit :D Tested on Nukkit-MOT and Nukkit PetteriM1 Setup is Simple: Create Bot Using Open config.yml Set your Bot Token Set Language (Optional) Reload server DONE! Why i did it plugin? just for fun :p Updates: 1.2.3 Steak Added: Optimized Code :p
  5. Trollhunters501

    ServerCensoredNK 1.1.0

    General ServerCensored is a Nukkit plugin(fork of a Pocketmine plugin) that works to censor messages that contain another server's domain/ip Features Censoring messages that contain the domain or ip of a server/website Installation Download the plugin. Place the plugin's .tgz file in the...
  6. toby7002

    KotlinForNukkit 2.0.0

    This plugin will load the Kotlin libraries inside the server classpath in order to allow other plugins use Kotlin without shading it inside the jar file. Come with - kotlin-reflect - kotlin-stdlib - kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 - kotlinx-serialization-core - kotlinx-serialization-json Usage: Just...
  7. Trollhunters501

    Experimental LuaEngineNK 1.1.0

    Requirements: JSEngineNK Plugin: JSENK2 Plugin: Know Basic JavaScript Installation: Easily installed with a JSEngineNK script const LuaSc =...
  8. SYRKING231

    LockItemAPI 1.0

    Simple API to lock items (in inventory or in slot) for Nukkit Just register the item you want to lock in ``LockedItemRegistry`` when enabling your plugin LockedItemRegistry.registerLockedItem(ItemID.DIAMOND, true); to lock item in slot ( you can't move the item in inventory but you can't drop...
  9. Trollhunters501

    Experimental PHPEngineNK 1.3.0

    PHPEngineNK Run PHP on Nukkit! Requirements: JSEngineNK Plugin: JSENK2: Know Basic JavaScript. IMPORTANT Why did I do it in JSEngineNK? Because in PHP classes and non-object functions are not...
  10. S

    any precompiled for pm1e

    is there any precompiled nukkit petterim1 ?
  11. S

    some strange error

    ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d] ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [d] starting at position 16 in conversion pattern. ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [thread] ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [thread] starting at...
  12. S

    is possible put plugin into source code of software

    is possible put plugin into source code of software without add plugin into plugins folder example add AntiCheat to source code without add to plugin folder
  13. S

    The plugin is not shown in the /plugin command

    I made a plugin and converted it to a jar, but it doesn't work plugin link :
  14. Trollhunters501

    Experimental AnvilConvert 1.1.0

    AnvilConvert Convert MCregion worlds to Anvil in Nukkit! Dependencies: JSEngineNK JSENK2: Libs: AnvilConverter Installation: paste the JavaScript file in the plugins/JSENK2 folder, Unpack the zip file Done! Use: Recommendation: that no player...
  15. nixybuilder

    Will nukkit update?

    Hello, i found out many items that are in the game doesnt even work. Like barrels, you can make them but then they just dont work. Its missing so many items from few years old versions of mcpe. I just want to ask if it will be added or did the development stopped or what, just someone tell me. Ty
  16. V

    Raspberry Pi Server: Bedrock World Import

    I'm trying to run a local server off of a Raspberry Pi using Nukkit. I am able to get the server running fine, but my issue is that I'd like to import a pre-existing bedrock world for this server to be running. I have tried putting the world folder into the worlds directory, along with changing...
  17. R

    NearbyPlayers 1.0

    This Nukkit plugin allows players to easily check who is nearby in the game world. You can customize radius using the near.radius.* permission, where * represents the number of blocks for detection.
  18. WilliamAcosta

    How can I add custom 3D models to NPCs?

    Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well. I'm trying to add custom 3D models with animations to my Nikkit server, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'm reaching out here to see if anyone can provide guidance on implementing models, custom menus, and similar features like the servers on Cubecraft, The...
  19. Ningali

    Experimental NWorldEdit 2.1.4

    # NWorldEditor World editor for CloudBrustMC(Nukkitx). Warning: this version only Indonesian languange only [for eng may next update] ## Additional functions - Block random batch installation ## Main functions. - Block batch random installation (/set[id:meta,id:meta,...]) - Block batch...
  20. F

    Block sniper for nukkit

    Does nukkit have block sniper ?