
  1. F

    how convert pocketmine world to nukkit

    I copied pocketmine world to worlds (nukkit server) but it doesn't work, can anyone help me?
  2. Josscoder

    JNPC 1.0.0

    📙 Description Library to manage npcs on your Nukkit server | IMPLEMENTATION OF 3D ENTITIES by Textures! 📖 Features - [x] Spawn any entity in minecraft - [x] Entity scales - [x] Fully manageable tag - [x] 3D entities with animations - [x] Click interaction - [x] Simple API - [ ] Emote support...
  3. immanuel

    Fill chests in level

    How can I select 10 chests from all the chests in a world/level and an apple will be automatically placed in them?
  4. Josscoder

    Experimental JBridgeLobbyNukkit

    See everything here:
  5. kisaragi

    Docker: openjdk is deprecated

    Note: this applies both Nukkit and Cloudburst. openjdk is deprecated now, I think we should find an alternative. Some of alternatives are listed on there. Please note that, current image contains major vunerabilities through openjdk.
  6. Catrainbow

    NoCheatPlus 1.0.0-c6d5184-b144

    We are still in develpoment! If you want to join us or support us, please go to our github: NoCheatPlus Contact us Discord:
  7. wilithegame

    Quant et comment nukkit 1.19 ?

    Bonjour j'ai un serveur nukkit et ma commue me demande quant se fera le passage a l 1.19 possible d'avoir des infos ?
  8. BlockMagicDev

    UnlimitedSlot 1.0

    Getting started ✨ A plugin for Nukkit gives the server unlimited slots Features - Gives the server unlimited slots - Easy to use
  9. S

    All these plugins and still no Lifesteal.

    Is there a specific reason this hasn't been made yet? I mean lifesteal was such a huge thing for awhile. I haven't been able to find any nukkit lifesteal plugins and using Pokkit no Bukkit or Spigot lifesteal plugins work. It'd be the best if it was made for the PM1E version of Nukkit haha.
  10. BlockMagicDev

    BetterBroadcaster 1.0

    ✨ Broadcasting System plugin for Nukkit Supported Nukkit API 1.0.0 Documentation Configuration (config.yml): broadcaster-interval: 40 # Seconds prefix: "[ Broadcaster ]" messages: - "Message 1" - "Message 2" - "Message 3"
  11. L

    MYSQL Database Config With Plugin

    I am trying to set up a MYSQL database for the ClaimChunk Plugin but every time i go to start the server it throws the following error. java.lang.RuntimeException: cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException: Plugin attempted to register com.claimchunk.listeners.Join while not enabled at...
  12. R

    How could I convert BedrockSever1.18 world to Nukkit?

    I have create a MC server via BDS 1.18, some players has bulit their own buildings. I‘m going to use Nukkit instead of BedrockSever. I tried to use MCCTool Chest and WorldFix plugin, but it did'nt work. This is a photo of the world which i converted. Is there a method to convert comletely?
  13. TuEG I x5ucht1x

    Quest/Challenge Plugin for Skyblock

    Hello, we are looking for a quest/challenge plugin for a skyblock server. We are using PowerNukkit We are also willing to pay of course. Please reply or send me a message on Discord. TuEG I x5ucht1x#0101
  14. K

    Redstone System Bug

    hello, annually I created a serve nukkit and soon after creating it I tested the vanilla items to see if it was working normally, when I tried to use some RedStone items and none of them worked, the RedStone signal system does not work, what do I do?
  15. Valentineu0

    GamemodeUI v1.1.0

    Easy-to-use Gamemode tool for your game. You can authorize non-operator users with the gmui.cmd Authorization.
  16. Acktar

    SignPortal 1.0.0

    To create a SignPortal you must make a sign with the format below: [WORLD] <worldname> An example for teleporting to the world "testworld" would be: [WORLD] testworld The rest of the sign can be whatever desired
  17. GottenFiber5546

    How to change the generation of the world?

    Hello, does anyone know how to change the generation of the world on Nukkit so that it looks more like the Bedrock version of Minecraft than the Java?
  18. ReconixMC

    Nukkit for 1.16.220

    Does anyone have the update for 1.16.220?
  19. S

    Can't connect to Nemisys Server

    Hello, I'm facing the issue that i can't connect to my Nemisys Server. I forwarded ports 19132 but I can't connect. I tried my lobby server and there I can connect. And the server console is displaying nothing about an attempt to connect.
  20. Yannick

    BetaKeySystem 1.0.1

    BetaKeySystem A basic Beta Key System. Features Turn beta mode on or off. Everything is editable. Commands Command Description Permission /betaui Open the BetaKeySystem UI beta.cmd Support If you need support, contact me via direct message or on discord: Yannick#9850